Is it possible to using Accurate Rip to trawl through my mp3 collection and analyse each album's mp3s against the results on AR's database?
I have only just started using Accurate Rip so all the mp3s I ripped prior to using Accurate Rip haven't been checked/verified as being digitally correct. I just assumed that if dMC encountered any read errors it would pop-up at the end of the rip sessions. Clearly, at the time I didn't realise the benefits of using Accurate Rip.
So checking the mp3s I've already ripped prior to using AR against AR's own database would be really really useful!
I have only just started using Accurate Rip so all the mp3s I ripped prior to using Accurate Rip haven't been checked/verified as being digitally correct. I just assumed that if dMC encountered any read errors it would pop-up at the end of the rip sessions. Clearly, at the time I didn't realise the benefits of using Accurate Rip.
So checking the mp3s I've already ripped prior to using AR against AR's own database would be really really useful!