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Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

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  • audiobug

    • Mar 2007
    • 25

    Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

    I've just upgraded to dMC12 and secure ripping is a new and unfamiliar area for me. I know it is used after you are getting inaccurate results using 'Burst' mode, however I recently had an entire album present me with inaccurate results (using the red 'X' sign) but also a tick in green next to each inaccurate result.

    What confuses me is that when I right click each track I am provided with the choice of either:

    >Re-rip inaccurate & insecure
    >Re-rip secure (warning) & insecure

    Could some please explain what the above options mean?

    Is the first one suggesting just burst mode is used?

    The second one I am a bit confused, is it suggesting to attempt a re-rip in BOTH burst and secure mode? Also, why does it say 'warning' next to secure?

    It would be really useful if this was explained somewhere in the documentation as I have looked in the Help area but it has not provided me with much answer.

  • audiobug

    • Mar 2007
    • 25

    Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

    Oh, I should have also mentioned in my previous post that the CD which provided me with all those inaccuracies also gave me a result for one track stating 'bad sector error'? Does this mean it is impossible to rip this track as the CD is damaged? It is scratched but not excessively nor deeply.

    Thanks again.


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

      See in the help files for the CD ripper.

      As for the right-click choices, it means that you want dMC to re-rip all inaccurate and insecure tracks. The second choice means you want dMC to re-rip all secure and insecure and this option gives you a warning box, apparently.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44824

        Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

        If all the tracks have the red x, then the cd is not in accuraterips database.


        • Cutestory

          • Mar 2007
          • 1

          Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

          I have a related question. I have my dBpoweramp cd ripper setup to "Display Error Log" after ripping, thinking that would be sufficient to catch rip inaccuracies.

          The problem is, the error log doesn't pop up when I get a "AccurateRip: Inaccurate / Insecure" result on a track. Now I have "Display Information Log" set, but it would be nice if I only had to look at it if there were errors.

          Am I doing something wrong?


          • EliC
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 1175

            Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

            no, the display log file is an all or nothing right now. I have requested to only show error log if there are errors or insecure files. See the wishlist forum.


            • audiobug

              • Mar 2007
              • 25

              Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

              Thanks for clearing that up Ltdata.

              RE: the bad error, does this mean that this track won't rip or is unreadable? What doesn't make much sense though is that I am able to listen to the same CD on a plain portable CD player without any read problems or skipping? However, when I try and listen to the same track on various PC/laptop cd-rom drives, there is loads of skipping then eventually the track grinds to a hault and refuses to proceed further, thus crashing! Only one cd-rom drive out of six was able to rip the track but provided me with an inaccurate result. The CD is 85% clear with the remaining 15% (the inner circle) having only very minor scratches.

              Spoon you say that if the results are all 'X's then the CD is not in the accurate database. However, when I first loaded the CD in it read it fine and accurate rip examined it without problems. Can AR only tell you if the CD is in the database after a full rip?


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

                No, AR is track-based.

                As for skipping in the computer, some CDs are coming with a form of copy protection that intentionally puts the skips in the audio. Most CD players filter this out but computers play a perfect digital copy, skips and all. Does this happen with multiple CDs or just with a few?


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44824

                  Re: Re-rip inaccurate & insecure / secure (warning) & insecure

                  >Can AR only tell you if the CD is in the database after a full rip?

                  For different pressings then yes.

