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AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

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  • slerch666

    • Mar 2007
    • 1

    AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

    Every time I click on the Meta button, I'm reminded my AMG service has expired. I'm not interested in renewing, so is there a way to turn off the fact that dMC wants to tell my AMG has expired?

    I've tried unchecking the AMG option in the Meta button's options, but still it persists.

    Any assistance is appreciated.

    EDIT- Never mind. I needed to restart the PC to get the notification to stop for some reason.
    Last edited by slerch666; March 05, 2007, 07:09 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

    AMG can be unchecked from the Meta Menu, you might have to restart CD Ripper.


    • olarte

      • Feb 2004
      • 10

      Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

      Originally posted by Spoon
      AMG can be unchecked from the Meta Menu, you might have to restart CD Ripper.
      Uhm, a couple of things.

      1. I never got the 30 day trial prompt to begin with

      2. I unchecked AMG everywhere, and restared the DMC 12 and still get the expired box every time... Strange. Is there a reg key I can use to force this?

      3. I would subscribe but the max for cover art is 250x250 and I want all my art to be 300x300.

      Thanks in Advance


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

        If you were to uncheck all the meta retrival options, then it should not show any expiry or try to get any meta data.


        • willyhoops
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Mar 2007
          • 63

          Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

          where are on earth are these meta data options buttons. i want to see what database i am connect to but can't see any options anywhere. am i blind... i have spent half an hour looking. also is there any version information in this program. am i running the professional one and how would i purchase the product if i ever figure it out..


          • Wayne
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Aug 2002
            • 1254

            Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

            The version information is available when you launch the dBpowerAMP configuration program.

            I think the Meta download options are available when you click the little arrow on the right of the Meta data download button. I'm currently at work so do not have access to the CD Ripper app.



            • willyhoops
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Mar 2007
              • 63

              Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

              Oh yes I see that... sorry.

              This is driving me crazy. Now I can scan everything and get what looks like correct meta data .. but when I click library in windows media player in vista some of the tracks have detatched from the others and lost thier information. it looks like the media database vista holds is failing to cope with the files produced by dbpoweramp somehow.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

                There is an option in WMP that will automatically re-tag the audio files, WMP might be tagging them...


                • Mystakill

                  • Feb 2007
                  • 4

                  Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

                  I purchased Power Pack & Mp3 Encoder r11.5 in December and upgraded to r12 last month, but AMG is stating that it's already expired. Shouldn't I have gotten a year of AMG since just bought my license a month before r12 was released?


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: AMG Expired, is there a way to turn off notification

                    Unfortunately, those who purchased the $14 PowerPack don't get access to AMG. You can still purchase 1 year of access for $5, though.

