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Crashes dbpoweramp R12

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  • Sir MMPD Radick

    • May 2005
    • 8

    Crashes dbpoweramp R12

    Edit: Sorry I just realized I posted in the wrong section, I would delete this and post in the correct section but it does not seem to let me have that option... Please move this thread to where it belongs.

    Hey, I just upgraded from R11 to R12, it does not seem to work correctly. :(
    Everytime I try and convert a flac to MP3 it crashes when it tries to convert the file.

    Could you help me please?

    CPU: 2x AMD Opteron 248's (Not Dual Core)
    Motherboard: Tyan Thunder K8W 2885
    Ram: 2 GB DDR
    Video Card: Geforce FX5950

    Also, two other questions....

    1. Is there any way to get the drop down list back for the Editing ID Tags like the previous versions had?
    2. Is there any way to disable using both the cpus in DAP?

    Last edited by Sir MMPD Radick; February 19, 2007, 07:23 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44669

    Re: Crashes dbpoweramp R12

    Tried this?:

    Mp3 Lame Encoder: Forcing Frequency or Channels (on advanced) can crash CoreConverter Affected: Release 12.0 Fixed in R12.1


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Crashes dbpoweramp R12

      Moved to dMC Support.

      What do you mean drop-down list for tags?


      • Sir MMPD Radick

        • May 2005
        • 8

        Re: Crashes dbpoweramp R12

        Yep tried the registry fix, made no difference with the lame encoder it still crashes.. I am not changing the frequency though, but I am changing the channels.

        And yep, that confirms it, I cannot change it from stereo to mono with that fix, but leaving it alone works fine... in this case it is fine but the file is an hour long of talking, so it is abit big.

        Let me be more specific though when i mean crash, Visual Studio's bugger catches it and makes it crash.

        Also, of interest it is not using my second cpu, when I do get it to encode with default settings.

        "What do you mean drop-down list for tags?"
        I mean the previous versions had some convenient default tags, like artist etc, is there a way to make new default ones or get those ones back?

        Also, I did just find another annoying bug, the properties of files in explorer do not come up at all until i log off and back in in XP... it is from this program and not some other one, i have confirmed that as this started right after the installation of this. Seems random when it stops...
        Last edited by Sir MMPD Radick; February 19, 2007, 08:41 PM.


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Crashes dbpoweramp R12

          Have you tried using the "Channel Count" DSP to reduce the file to mono?

          As for the ID tags, I don't know of a way to get default entries back, no


          • Sir MMPD Radick

            • May 2005
            • 8

            Re: Crashes dbpoweramp R12

            thanks that worked!

