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General Problems With R12

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  • Aarchel

    • Feb 2007
    • 2

    General Problems With R12

    I'll be the first to admit, I don't like dMC R12. Here's four reasons why.

    1. I can no longer manually set my mp3 VBR settings, despite all the new options for encoding I still need this feature, and yes I have tried the new options and found them all lacking.

    2. I like to add the track length to the file name because it makes it easier to plan a compilation to fit the within the space limitations of my media. The ability to do this has been totally screwed up in R12. So far as I have been able to tell, the length will only be written to the filename in milliseconds, which is useless to me who comes from the world of minutes and seconds.

    3. The "Batch Converter" which replaces File Selector is beautiful, except that it removes the directory structure and places all converted files into a single folder, at least in my experience. File Selector duplicated the directory structure making it easy to keep the same navigation when changing my entire music collection to lower bitrates and duplicating it to my laptop.

    4. I can't completely uninstall it. Even after restarting after the uninstallation process there are still parts of R12 I must delete manually. Still, after deleting all directories and registry entries the dreaded "Batch Converter" option remains in the shell, although it doesn't work, but the worst part is when I attempt to re-install my beloved 11.5 File Selector is corrupted by remnants of the Batch Converter keeping its annoying habit of remvoing the Directory Structure and making files full of static.

    And now for my plea. Is there any way to completely remove R12 short of re-installing XP???
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: General Problems With R12

    1. I assume you are referring to the minimum and maximum bitrate sliders? You can always use the General CLI codec and the LAME .exe to do this.

    3. <removed due to being incorrect, sorry for the mix-up>

    4. Did you reboot after uninstalling? This will normally remove Batch Converter from the shell. If you uninstall both dMC r11.5 and r12, then delete the directories and registry entries, you should be fine. If the right-click options are still there, you could try uninstalling the dll "regsvr32 /u <path to dll" or reinstalling r12, turning off the shell entries, and then uninstalling r12 again.

    Edit: Moved to dMC Support.
    Last edited by LtData; March 09, 2007, 12:12 AM.


    • Aarchel

      • Feb 2007
      • 2

      Re: General Problems With R12

      4. Did you reboot after uninstalling? This will normally remove Batch Converter from the shell. If you uninstall both dMC r11.5 and r12, then delete the directories and registry entries, you should be fine. If the right-click options are still there, you could try uninstalling the dll "regsvr32 /u <path to dll" or reinstalling r12, turning off the shell entries, and then uninstalling r12 again.
      Just to be completely clear, I will list what I have tried to fully remove dMC R12 and regain full dMC 11.5 functionality.

      1. Uninstalled powerpack, all codecs, and all plugins related to any and all versions of dMC.

      2. Uninstalled all versions of dMC.

      3. Rebooted.

      4. Manually deleted Illustrate folder from Program Files.

      5. Deleted entire Illustrate registry tree.

      6. Rebooted.

      7. Installed, configured, and tested dMC 11.5 Registered.

      8. Rebooted.

      9. Installed, configured, and tested all the dMC 11.5 Registered compatible codecs I have.

      10. Rebooted.

      11. Installed, configured and tested Power Pack Registered.

      12. Rebooted.

      13. Installed File Selector. Upon testing File Selector its GUI is screwed up and all the mp3's it created are filled with digital noise.

      14. Completely unistalled and deleted everything to do with dMC in the same fashion as before.

      15. Installed only dMC 11.5 Registered and File Selector in case there is kind of some weird conflict.

      16. Same result.

      And just for the record, I have installed and uninstalled all of my dMC 11.5 "stuff", for lack of a better word, on this same computer with the same installation of windows before and never had this problem before. Aside from completely wiping and reinstalling XP I don't have any idea what else to do to get File Selector working properly again. If anyone's got an idea please post.


      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: General Problems With R12

        If you are reinstalling r11.5 and your r11.5-compatible codecs from previously saved installation files, then the r11.5 registered installation file will contain the Power Pack-you don't need a separate install. I am not entirely sure about if you are downloading r11.5 from the current download page however.

        With r11.5 File Selector is built-in (as is Auxiliary Input) and you do not need a separate installation.

        So try uninstalling everything and installing ONLY dMC r11.5 and let us know if that works.

        Good luck and best wishes,


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: General Problems With R12

          Originally posted by Aarchel
          1. Uninstalled powerpack, all codecs, and all plugins related to any and all versions of dMC.
          2. Uninstalled all versions of dMC.
          3. Rebooted.
          4. Manually deleted Illustrate folder from Program Files.
          5. Deleted entire Illustrate registry tree.
          This is the only places dMC puts anything, so this should uninstall everything.
          Originally posted by Aarchel
          7. Installed, configured, and tested dMC 11.5 Registered.
          Did this work?
          Originally posted by Aarchel
          9. Installed, configured, and tested all the dMC 11.5 Registered compatible codecs I have.
          Did this work?
          Originally posted by Aarchel
          11. Installed, configured and tested Power Pack Registered.
          As xoas said, if you installed dMC r11.5 Registered, you have the PowerPack, you are installing an old version
          Originally posted by Aarchel
          12. Rebooted.

          13. Installed File Selector. Upon testing File Selector its GUI is screwed up and all the mp3's it created are filled with digital noise.
          As of dMC r11, I believe, File Selector and Aux Input are included by default and are not separate installs.

          So, to review, your problems may be caused by installing an old version of the PowerPack and FileSelector. As xoas said, install only dMC r11.5 Registered and try again.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44847

            Re: General Problems With R12

            Batch Converter does not mess with File selector in anyway (if you uninstall R12 and install r11.5)


            • randym

              • Jan 2007
              • 36

              Re: General Problems With R12

              Originally posted by LtData
              3. You can use Dynamic naming and "[origpath]\[origfilename]" to do the same as "Keep Path on Convert" from File Selector. If you have Reference, you can further specify filenames and the like.

              I just upgraded to R12 and am having problems with this feature. Dynamic naming is not enabled in my installation. I tried including D:\mp3_pop\[origpath]\[origfilename] in the folder window, but as expected that creates a directory literally with that name (origpath and origfilename are not variables taking on values).

              As I understand it, I should be able to replicate "keep path and convert" without purchasing reference. Is there a problem with my installation? Should dynamic naming be enabled but limited in its capability?

              Please advise.



              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: General Problems With R12

                I was mistaken about the "[origpath]\[origfilename]". Apparently, without Reference you can put all the files in one directory or in the source directory.

