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Can't add album art to FLAC-files

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  • 8 Ball Deluxe

    • Feb 2007
    • 2

    Can't add album art to FLAC-files

    It is impossible for me to add album art to my FLAC-files. No problem with my MP3s though. I tried to "add album art" on FLAC 1.1.2. encoded and 1.1.3 (the new codec) encoded files, it never stores or shows the art in the tags or audio properties. Any idea?

    Another question: Will it be possible in future to add album art on a multiple file basis? Adding covers one by one is - um - a "little" tedious on large collections.

    And yet another question: Does the music converter R12 still save tags in unicode? I can't find a switch regarding this.

    Thank you.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Can't add album art to FLAC-files

    R12 is fully unicode (for id3v2 you need to switch it on in dbpoweramp configuration).

    Artwork is not handled yet for FLAC/


    • 8 Ball Deluxe

      • Feb 2007
      • 2

      Re: Can't add album art to FLAC-files

      Thanks for the info - I can live with that.

      Can you tell when artwork will be handled? (And if it then can be added to multiple files at once...) Or is artwork a feature that FLAC itself doesn't support yet? (I thought it would with the new release.)


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Can't add album art to FLAC-files

        I am not sure about when artwork will be added to FLAC, Spoon is very busy updating codecs and DSPs for r12.
        As for the multiple-file artwork at once, that will have to wait for the next version, either r12.1/r12.5 or r13.

