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Converted Files Don't Play

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  • Mt Spaces

    • Oct 2002
    • 4

    Converted Files Don't Play

    I believe I am using release 9 of db power Amp with windows 2000. Recently I converted a bunch of WAV files to MP3 Lame and found when using Media Player 7.01 the files will start playing but no sound is heard until I move the seek bar (indicates how much of the song has played) stopping, restarting or pause then play does not start sound. It will play the whole song (silently) and move on to the next song in a playlist if I don't click the seek bar first. I can reconvert these bad files to WMA for example and then they will play fine. If I go back to MP3 Lame from WMA the problem returns. I recently converted about 130 songs out of about 1200 from WMA back to MP3 to keep all files similar (forgetting this problem) and now I have about 130 files that don't play right. I'm not even sure how to figure out now which one's don't play right until the silence is heard of the screwed up file.

    Have you ever heard of this problem before?

    I have included a file that doesn't play right.


    Mt Spaces
    Last edited by Mt Spaces; October 28, 2002, 09:19 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    They probabbly have an ID3v2 tag in them.


    • Mt Spaces

      • Oct 2002
      • 4

      How To Fix Tags

      Thanks for your reply Spoon,
      Is there a way to fix my tags?


      Last edited by Mt Spaces; October 30, 2002, 09:01 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Check first by holding the mouse over the files, the popup info will tell you if it has id3v2.


        • Mt Spaces

          • Oct 2002
          • 4

          Apparently there is no reference to"ID" at all in the files that don't play right. Some of the others that do work have "ID3V1 & ID3V2"



          • Mt Spaces

            • Oct 2002
            • 4


            Using a program called "MP3 Tag Studio" I was able to update the tag to ID3V1 & ID3V2.

            The file still doesn't start playing correctly.




            • Unregistered

              I had the same problem, but last time it happened to me I found that it was something about the codec I had. I had just installed a new audio codec when media player stopped playing the next song in the playlist. I took out all my audio codecs and installed only the microsoft ones *sigh* but it seemed to work.

              To disable or remove your codecs go to your control panel and go to sounds and multimedia, or possibly just multimedia, depending on your machine. Then hit the devices tab and look for audio codecs. You can access them all from there.


              • Unregistered

                Thanks for replying. I figured it had something to do with the conversion utility. Just left everything in Windows Media Player format to this day.

                Originally posted by Unregistered
                I had the same problem, but last time it happened to me I found that it was something about the codec I had. I had just installed a new audio codec when media player stopped playing the next song in the playlist. I took out all my audio codecs and installed only the microsoft ones *sigh* but it seemed to work.

                To disable or remove your codecs go to your control panel and go to sounds and multimedia, or possibly just multimedia, depending on your machine. Then hit the devices tab and look for audio codecs. You can access them all from there.

