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dmc doesn't close

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  • reflector

    • Sep 2002
    • 13

    dmc doesn't close

    i have a problem sometimes trying to close dmc - the cancel button doesn't work, hitting the 'x' in the upper right to close the box doesn't work, and even using ctrl-alt-delete and then killing the process seems to take several tries.

    this seems to be a problem more often when dmc is stuck on ripping a cd - i borrow cds from the library to rip and often they are quite scratched, and when i notice dmc has been sitting for an hour and making no progress i try to kill it but it usually doesn't work.

    any solution? using win98se.
  • MODatic
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2002
    • 230

    All I can say is ensure that you're using the latest release of dBpowerAMP. (Release 9) Way back in Release 4 there was a bug where dBpowerAMP wouldn't close after it had been used.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44701

      This problem can often be a hardware thing, dMC will ask to rip X sectors, some CD drives will try-try-try on bad CDs, thus locking up the PC.

      That is what they are trying to do on these copy protected CDs, nothing I can do.

