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I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

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  • Peeet

    • Nov 2006
    • 6

    I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

    I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!
    If I wanted to battle and with poor tech and poor support I would have just downloaded one the free converters.
    When using dMC Audio CD Input, my problems are:

    1) If I simply click 'Rip' the ripping freezes every time between 5% and 13%. However I can rip whole CD's if I right click 'Rip' and then click convert?!

    2) Accuraterip: connection is attempted every time I put in a new CD regardless of whether I am online or not. And regardless of whether I disable Accuraterip in the options menu. Is there no way to rip without the software trying to connect to accuraterip and then giving me error pop-ups?

    3) How can I download and use MP3 converters other than 'lame'? I understand 'Blade' is supposed to be very good?

    4) Rip speed is very slow - up to 25 mins per CD, and no more than 3x - 4x real time. I have and NEC CD/DVD drive with at least 24x speed. I understood dB was supposed to be fast?!

    Please help…
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

    Installing the new R12 ripper (in the beta section) will solve almost all your issues.

    Blade is one of the worst mp3 encoders...R12 offers a Fraunhofer encoder.

    RE 4: Check your drive controllers are in DMA not PIO mode:



    • ChristinaS
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2004
      • 4097

      Re: I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

      Originally posted by Peeet
      I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!
      If I wanted to battle and with poor tech and poor support I would have just downloaded one the free converters.
      What poor tech and poor support? This was your first post in the forum! :(


      • Peeet

        • Nov 2006
        • 6

        Re: I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

        You havent really answered my most important questions.

        Surely I can expect to be able to click the rip button and have the software rip, And disable Accuraterip, and have the software not continue to try and connect, without having to download and install a Beta version of new software?!

        Is the R12 a small upgrade portion within dBpowerAMP Music Converter or does it largely replace it?


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097

          Re: I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

          See here for trouble with the cd rom drive that affects ripping speed: (Spoon already pointed that out)

          Acccuraterip can be disabled fully if you've not gone through the full motions of configuring it.


          • Peeet

            • Nov 2006
            • 6

            Re: I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

            RE Accuaterip:
            As in my original post - I have unchecked the enable tab, but still get error msg each time. Why does this not work? If I delete the .dll then I will not be able to use it when online. Is it not possible to disable and enable ie have the option.

            Re ripping speed:
            The relevant tabs in both my primary and secondary IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers are on 'DMA if available', but speed is slow.

            So do many of the buttons and tabs not work? eg disable accuraterip, or clicking rip (see original post)?


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: I have just bought dBpowerAMP Music Converter, and I am Not Happy!

              Bugs are fixed in the next version, that happens to be R12, regardless if it is a beta, that has the fixes.

