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MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

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  • UnexplodedCow

    • Dec 2004
    • 5

    Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

    Well, not to go off topic, but the argument of ignition switch and radio doesn't, can't, and never will happen. The ignition switch is on a fused circuit of its own, as is the radio (typically 10 amps or so, depending). Should the radio pull over the rating of the fuse, the fuse will blow, causing an open circuit. If the fuse was, say, 30 amps, and the radio had a short, the wires would overheat, melt, and burn off, without even harming the switch, since those are rated for way beyond 30 amps (About 100 amps). And, just to say the wires didn't burn off at the radio circuit, but continued through....the fuse for the ignition switch would overheat, melt, and cause a short, overheating your battery, causing it to explode under the hood, most likely frying the computer, and anything electrical, not to mention coating the engine bay in approximately 6 molar sulfuric acid. So now your car is in serious trouble.
    And, not to sound cruel, by why jukebox? There are tons of other players with better functionality and far less bloat (used to use jukebox myself)? I know you spent money on registering it, and that they should help you out, but you're also complaining at this forum, and spoon, for his FREE program. I've used DB power amp for years, and it's NEVER given me a problem. Ever. Even when I used jukebox. The only programs I've even seen kill a computer are Blindwrite and Daemon Tools, and those were old versions. Hopefully you're not this accusing to the MM people, although you probably should be since you paid for the program.


    • Berni-a

      • Nov 2006
      • 10

      Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

      Originally posted by Spoon
      ....employ a Microsoft certified technician - if he finds that dBpowerAMP alters MusicMatch (either Music Match program files, Music Match setting files or MusicMatch (not Windows) registry entries, but not through the act of playing a dbpoweramp created audio file), then we will pay his fees for finding the issue and his fees to fix your issue (upto a capped limit of $3,000 USD).
      [COLOR=Blue]Very generous of you. And I now understand your argument far more clearly.

      Could you please take a look then at the other points I made in letter 3 above. Could the process of installing the Codec be reponsible?
      I am guessing also we have spent 100x more effort on this issue than MusicMatch...
      Your personal approach has been much appreciated, even if you and I got off on the wrong foot at the beginning.

      To call MMJB's service chaotic would be being unkind to the gods of chaos. It is to the extreme left of chaotic. They have written me more replies than even you guys have, but all from the wrong department or they've passed me on to someone else who "may be able to help" - so far no-one has.

      One of your guesses was way off. I have not deinstalled your product, since if I did I would have no way of converting music files, since MMJB used to be my main converter from mp3 to wave.

      In fact, if I get no joy from MMJB, I will probably register with your guys and continue to use the product - because it does what it says it will - In all of the above, we seem to have lost sight of the fact that I am actually happy with the results of your product. It is only the installation issue that I still feel needs resolving satisfactorily.


      • Berni-a

        • Nov 2006
        • 10

        Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

        [COLOR=Blue]Ah Monsieur (or Madame) la vache. I fear you took my car radio example too literally :-) .
        Originally posted by UnexplodedCow
        And, not to sound cruel, by why jukebox?
        [COLOR=Blue]Because it was there. Simple as that. When I started out on the PC road, it was the first gas station I pulled into. (Er I don't mean that literally Sñr/Sñra Vaca).[/COLOR]
        Hopefully you're not this accusing to the MM people, although you probably should be since you paid for the program.
        [COLOR=Blue]Accusing? Whatever do you mean. I have maintained a cool head in all of this and not lowered the tone of my postings to that level. It is not accusatory to point out to the tech staff of a company that use of their product has caused A or B to happen. It is simply stating the facts. Spoon and I got off on the wrong footing, perhaps. But that is because I wished to point out to him that the style he was using came across in a very heavy handed way and could get the backs up of potential customers.

        This might be a problem of register. Perhaps the language register you guys use amongst yourselves is "hip and cool and groovy" or whatever the terms are today, but not every potential customer for this product is under 25.

        Dig it bovine dude?[/COLOR]


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

          A good step would be to uninstall dBpowerAMP, just out of curiosity.

          >Could the process of installing the Codec be reponsible?

          No not in my judgement.


          • Berni-a

            • Nov 2006
            • 10

            Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

            If I disinstall, will I have to reinstall the Codec too?

            Your help here has made me decide to purchase a licence on the product BTW. :smile2:


            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

              Yes, uninstall all codecs and dMC. In fact, you may want to try the total uninstall mentioned here:


              • Berni-a

                • Nov 2006
                • 10

                Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                OK Guys, here is what I did. I took out paid registration with you guys - your product really does do what I want it to do - and I installed the latest Jukebox (10) - this has disabled features I paid for in JB 8 - but they were things I rarely use anyway, or your programme does better.

                Both programmes are working fine, so far. So, nice to have a happy ending.

                With a bit of luck I won't need to call in here again for a while. Thanks for your advice and time,



                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                  You should still try, although not too fervently, to get your registered status in MMJB, since you did pay for it. Regardless, I am glad that you managed to get a working solution.

