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MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

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  • Berni-a

    • Nov 2006
    • 10

    MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

    I wanted to convert some AAC files I have to Wave so I could burn them onto a CD and play it in my car CD player.

    Read good things about your product and downloaded the demo. Discovered I had to install more components to read AAC files and did that. Tried a convert on the files and it seemed to have worked fine. Then clicked on one song to hear the quality, using Musicmatch Jukebox - my default player which I own (bought and paid for and have used for three years with no hassle).

    Jukebox attempted to open, but then instantly closed again. I tried opening the programme on its own - same thing. I can no longer access it. Grrr :vmad:

    Can you please offer me some advice on how to recuperate my Jukebox!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: MUsicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

    dBpowerAMP does not interfere with any other program installed on the system, all files are installed into Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP

    Sounds link you have found a bug with music match, try their support.


    • Berni-a

      • Nov 2006
      • 10

      Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

      If you are 100% sure that dbp doesn't change some shared driver or other, then perhaps the culprit is the third party in this installation.

      I remember when I requested an AAC conversion (that was why dbp interested me in the first place!) I was re-directed to the dbp site and had to download a patch. As part of this process I was advised to download another piece of software from Nero. Could that be the thing presenting the problem? If so, I advise you guys to get your own patches for the non-standard conversions, since dbp is going to get the blame if the third party software is a must for doing the job.

      I'm having difficulty contacting Musicmatch, since I cannot get Jukebox to open and therefore don't know my Key, etc.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

        No, even the Nero download goes in dbpoweramps folder, everything is self contained.


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

          The Nero file you downloaded is just a zip file that only extracts to a folder you specify and does not alter anything else. By "patch" do you need the AAC codec?


          • Berni-a

            • Nov 2006
            • 10

            Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

            May I say gentlemen that the only programme I have installed today is yours (....and the Codec - that's what I meant, yes. Sorry, used to call such things patches - Codec sounds like a headache remedy to me :smile2: ).

            So, may I paraphrase the bard: "the gentleman doth protest too much when he claimenth his innocence" - Whatever that installation does has interfered with a programme that has run smoothly on my PC for years. That's just undeniable. Wouldn't it be more helpful to suggest some solutions rather than saying: "I didn't do it sir, honest!" Those sticky fingers suggests soemthing has been going on guys.

            You cannot simply say: "Not our problem!" .... If I had never installed your programme I would still be able to use my MMJB - now I can't - Could you please suggest what might have happened, rather than the unlikely event that MMJB failed today of all days after years of loyal service. "If a thing walks like a duck and quacks, I call it a duck" :teufel8:


            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

              The problem may be related to the file you tried playing. If I remember correctly, MMJB remembers the last file you played and probably tries to play that file again. Mabye try moving/deleting that trouble file and re-launching MMJB?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                dBpowerAMP over the years has been blamed for doing just about everything, if the people posting had knowlegde of how Windows XP works internally (especially if the limited user account was used), they would realize it is not possible.

                Once one guy blamed dbpoweramp for destroying his mouse!, as though that is possible. dBpowerAMP has around 13 Million installs, with that high a number there is a lot of coincidence, if dBpowerAMP broke Music Match you would hear of it a plenty on these forums.


                • Berni-a

                  • Nov 2006
                  • 10

                  Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                  I am afraid I still think I am being Spoon fed excuses.

                  When a client complains in any other area of human activity that a product hasn't done what it was supposed to do, or has done something it ought not to have done, it is unusual to be told: "Not our problem pal!" - In the world of software this is sadly all too frequent.

                  I should not need to know how XP works - that is not my problem. I am an end user, it is you guys who are the developers of the product and its installation process, etc, who need to know that and take it into account when developing software.

                  When you get feedback about a certain problem shouldn't you accept a bit of reponsibility and suggest possible causes rather than passing the buck and even hinting that users are dumb.

                  Your colleague's take on the issue was wrong - MMJB does not necessarily remember the last thing played and if you click on another file using "Open with MMJB" the programme still crashes on opening - but at least he made a practical suggestion. I am afraid I find: "we have had complaints from all kinds of morons" unhelpful and even vaguely insulting. This experience has not made me want to rush off and register for your product, even though it does exactly what I wanted and before I tried to power up MMJB I was about to register and pay the fee with a smile on my face.

                  In a world that is increasingly full of anonymous big corporations, the only way smaller outfits can survive is by being VERY User Friendly in their Service and After Sales sections. I am 100% loyal to several small software companies who have offered me wonderful advice and worked over time to solve problems that arose with their earlier versions. Feedback to them was greeted by: "Sorry, we'll investigate this and try to ensure it doesn't happen to anyone else" - I have paid for the upgrades ever since. Being told "Not my Problem" or else: "The problem is YOU mate" is not conducive to good customer relations Mr Spoon.


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                    On the flipside, wouldn't you be tired of people saying that your software broke x part of their computer?

                    Anyway, time for the basics. What version of XP are you using? What about versions of dMC, MMJB, etc?

                    Also, you might just need to reinstall MMJB. Your key should be stored in the registry and in a license.mml or something. What broke it? Good question.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44825

                      Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                      The reality is you are using an old version of Musicmatch which even Musicmatch are not supporting (I am guessing), then you come to us and say our program has broken their program. I am telling you as an expert in the field that it is not possible, just as dBpowerAMP would not break Word, or Microsoft Paint, or Internet Explorer, they are seperate programs.

                      The action of trying to play a file in MusicMatch has broken it, the audio files dbpoweramp creates adhere to the standards set forward for each format.

                      What do you want me to do? Install your version of Musicmatch? and try to fix another companies problems, sorry no.


                      • Berni-a

                        • Nov 2006
                        • 10

                        Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                        Originally posted by LtData
                        On the flipside, wouldn't you be tired of people saying that your software broke x part of their computer?
                        [COLOR=Blue]I guess I would. But if I installed a new car radio and that stopped my ignition switch from working. I might feel I had a point complaining to the car radio company, wouldn't you? ;-)[/COLOR]

                        Anyway, time for the basics. What version of XP are you using? What about versions of dMC, MMJB, etc?
                        [COLOR=Blue]XP V 5.1 (with Service Pack) MMJB 8.1 and whichever version of dbPwrAmp you currently have available for download as a demo.[/COLOR]

                        Also, you might just need to reinstall MMJB. Your key should be stored in the registry and in a license.mml or something. What broke it? Good question.
                        [COLOR=Blue]Problem there is twofold. One: the version I have is not their current version - as Spoon rightly guessed - Two: Yahoo have bought out MMJB and I have spent the last two days being passed from pillar to post among a vast network of customer service personnel who seem not to know their arse from their elbow as we'd say in the UK. :-( So where does this all leave me? [/COLOR]


                        • Berni-a

                          • Nov 2006
                          • 10

                          Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          I am telling you as an expert in the field that it is not possible, just as dBpowerAMP would not break Word, or Microsoft Paint, or Internet Explorer, they are seperate programs.
                          And I am informing you, as an end user, that something happened in the installation process (which perhaps you guys should be aware of to avoid future problems with other users). That "something" has altered a programme which worked before and now doesn't. I find it sad that said information is being treated with barely concealed contempt.

                          To use my example of the car radio above -

                          Me - "My car doesn't work since I installed your radio"
                          Customer Service Guy: "But that's impossible sir!"
                          Me - "Come round here and turn the ignition key and see for yourself!"


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44825

                            Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                            >that something happened in the installation process

                            That is where we differ in views, installing dBpowerAMP only writes to the files in \Program Files\Illustrate (not musicmatch), and the registry keys: HKCU\Software\Illustrate

                            Also uninstalling dBpowerAMP removed the afore mentioned items, let me guess again, you have uninstalled dBpowerAMP but the problem still exists in Music Match.

                            Unless Musicmatch use the folder or registry entry illustrate (which is our company name) then we have not touched a single item of theirs - I will stand by my words - employ a Microsoft certified technician - if he finds that dBpowerAMP alters MusicMatch (either Music Match program files, Music Match setting files or MusicMatch (not Windows) registry entries, but not through the act of playing a dbpoweramp created audio file), then we will pay his fees for finding the issue and his fees to fix your issue (upto a capped limit of $3,000 USD).

                            There is the possibility that an audio file created by dBpowerAMP was taken a dislike by MusicMatch and it crashed musicmatch (a definate bug in Musicmatch, and one they should fix), this crash has somehow messed up musicmatch. The thing to remember is that files created by dbpoweramp are not corrupted, are propper audio files (ie mp3 files created by Lame and m4a by Nero Digital, these two have created billions of audio files between them).

                            dBpowerAMP does not alter any 'shared' audio resource (such as DirectX or wave ACM).

                            I am guessing also we have spent 100x more effort on this issue than MusicMatch...
                            Last edited by Spoon; November 24, 2006, 08:30 PM.


                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: Musicmatch Jukebox Crashes after installing dbp

                              You might want to try installing the newest version of MMJB over top of your version, which should keep your key and registered ststus, but give you the newest version.

