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Any Screenshots on the new version

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  • dbPowerBOY
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2006
    • 61

    Any Screenshots on the new version

    i know you guys here are probably sick of me inundating this borad with queries on the release of dBpoweramp 12, but I am just so pleased with the upgrading of the new features and especially 'album art' manipulation.

    I know this board does not post up images like those other lounge forums but was wondering if any one would have any screenshots of the new version in action. I would like to see the 'id tag' editing screenshot of the new dbPoweramp 12. Does it use tabs, is it still like r11.5 version.

    ps. I do not want to download r12 alpha as I have r11.5 nicely installed and dont want to mes any of that up even if I can just install uninstall and re-install. Any links to screenshots please. Thanks :cry:
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

    The tag editor does not use tags, but allows to edit files as a group o step through each one on its own.


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

      Yes, if you install dMC r12 and do not like it, you can simply uninstall it and still have a working dMC r11.5. You will have to uninstall your current codecs and install new ones, though.


      • dbPowerBOY
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Sep 2006
        • 61

        Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

        Originally posted by Spoon
        The tag editor does not use tags, but allows to edit files as a group o step through each one on its own.

        Yes I have tried the new version in its test alpha and have looked at the getpop info which I like.

        I have right clicked on the music file to edit tags but have found that I after I right click a few times to look at the files tag - I cant seem to get it up anymore and come up with the error 'windows explorer has encountered a problem'.

        Also I cant seem to edit album art from the right-click function , as I was so looking forward to doing - why not? Or is thius not implememnted as yet. If you want I could re-install dbPoweramp alpha and then upload screen shots to show yous.

        I know it can be implemented as I love album arting my old songs and do it in a program called EasyTag 1.99 that uses gtk. All I simply do is gather all the songs in a folder for one album and then I write all the same info - album name, album art, artists/group and then it writes it to all of the selected files at the same time.

        Manual Album arting not just Cd ripper album arting. Would reallywant to see this within the context menu of the next version of dbpoweramp. thanks spoon and others./
        Last edited by dbPowerBOY; November 05, 2006, 03:01 AM.


        • dbPowerBOY
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2006
          • 61

          Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

          See the below image to demonstrate what I would like. And what I may be willing to pay for to be added as I would like to invest in the new program, thanks

          image is here

          I strongly beleive tabbed browsing is the way forward, especially as Windows Vista is comming out near soon and Internet Browsers are adopting the capabilty. Thanks

          ps. by the way I like the new resizable tag edit window, a great update.


          • neilthecellist
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2004
            • 1288

            Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

            Hm.... Subtle but it looks useful. Nice suggestion there, basically.


            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

              I believe Spoon plans to add online-retrieval of tags for specific songs. Whether this makes it into dMC r12 as a separate download or comes out in a new release is unknown.


              • dbPowerBOY
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Sep 2006
                • 61

                Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                Originally posted by LtData
                I believe Spoon plans to add online-retrieval of tags for specific songs. Whether this makes it into dMC r12 as a separate download or comes out in a new release is unknown.

                Ok, but what about Album Art for each track via the right hand click. The reason I have been so fussy about album art is because I have an mp4 player that can display this info. I also have tons of mp3's some with beautiful cover art back in the day and love adding this to my collection.

                I know that album art is going to be implemented in the Cd ripper, I know but that is not what I am looking at as I use multiple other sources to rip CD's. What would like is to edit album art in batch or per track just by the context menu right hand click. Please, Please consider adding this feature - it would really put the icing on the cake if you could release it as to what I put in the screenshot of r12 beta. Please reply back if any replies.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44825

                  Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                  Album art adding on edit tag will be implemented.


                  • dbPowerBOY
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Sep 2006
                    • 61

                    Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    Album art adding on edit tag will be implemented.

                    Would it be within the 'edit tag' window and would it look like the way I use my alternate program at the moment. EasyTag

                    ---I know you are fed up with tags, but see below how it is in tabs in the EasyTag which is the program that runs on gtk runtime.

                    note: you can also other tag info seen in tags such as 'website' see the first pic below from EasyTag (windows version) also the feature I have ringed shows how many tracks are total on the album - I couldn't seem to set this in the tagging in r12 beta but can do this differently in dB version 11.5 just by adding a forward slash in front of the track number.


                    Now you see what I mean about tabbed tag editing - I would love the feature, must be very simple to add. See below pic of album art edditing in easyTag. In easyTag I also have the abilty to add multiple pictures such as back covers and CD leaflets (not too necessary) but still great. The below ringed in red shows the button to apply album art in batch when selecting all the files.


                    The rason I am not too fond of easytag as much is beacuse mainly it is not context menu based and I also have to go into the program and edit that long boring way. When I discovered dbPoweramp tagging ~problem solved everything was fine from now on, but remember that mp4 player I had. I had to still use easytag to custom add on my own album art (some long processes considering the small size of my mp3s and wma's). What I would want is dbpoweramp id tag to implement basically what you see in the above pics (includind album art). Thanks everyone - any replies please.


                    • dbPowerBOY
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Sep 2006
                      • 61

                      Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                      hi all, have you seen pics above


                      • dbPowerBOY
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Sep 2006
                        • 61

                        Re: Any Screenshots on the new version


                        album art


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44825

                          Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                          Album art editing will be added when it is added, we have a schedule to go through.


                          • dbPowerBOY
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Sep 2006
                            • 61

                            Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                            Originally posted by Spoon
                            Album art editing will be added when it is added, we have a schedule to go through.

                            Ok, sure. Last thing: Is there any detail on what it would look like when using Album Art on the 'edit tag' function. Thanks


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44825

                              Re: Any Screenshots on the new version

                              Have not decided yet.

