Excuse me for an ignorant query!!
Are the basic products (without the mp3 encoders/power packs) free?
That is:
dMC without mp3 encoder = Free? ($14 for full encoder version)
dAP = Free?
dCD without mp3 encoder = Free? ($17.95 for full encode version)
At the end of the 30 trial period, is it mandatory to register for the product? Even if it the free version?!
Again, sorry for a seemingly ignorant question!!
Excuse me for an ignorant query!!
Are the basic products (without the mp3 encoders/power packs) free?
That is:
dMC without mp3 encoder = Free? ($14 for full encoder version)
dAP = Free?
dCD without mp3 encoder = Free? ($17.95 for full encode version)
At the end of the 30 trial period, is it mandatory to register for the product? Even if it the free version?!
Again, sorry for a seemingly ignorant question!!