Hi All, I hop e you guys can help me. I am trying to convert my entire mp3 collection into WMA and save it on a different drive. However when I hit convert it comes up with an error saying
" Support for the audio type '.mid' might be obtained at "codec central", visit codec central now? (connect to internet..........."
I did a search and found no .mid files in the entire folder structure Im trying to convert??
I know that u cant convert .mid file into WMA and I have not desire to do so. Im just stuck as i can't get past this point. Is there any way to bypass this error?
" Support for the audio type '.mid' might be obtained at "codec central", visit codec central now? (connect to internet..........."
I did a search and found no .mid files in the entire folder structure Im trying to convert??
I know that u cant convert .mid file into WMA and I have not desire to do so. Im just stuck as i can't get past this point. Is there any way to bypass this error?