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Mp3 Tag Problems

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  • drspy00
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2004
    • 104

    Mp3 Tag Problems

    I have been trying to convert my entire CD collection (ripped to monkeys audio a while back) to mp3 for days, I selected all the files to convert and left it when I went to bed and I woke up to see that it stopped halfway and have been trying to figure out why. Theres a problem with the last album it started to convert and I think it lies in the tagging, I noticed a few of the tracks were converted but the files were only 1kb in size. I have been changing the tag settings around for hours to try and get it to work, I have managed to get the files to convert but if they convert they don't copy any tags at all or not properly.

    The only thing I can think of that sets these tracks apart from the others that are converting with no problems is that there are 2 titles in the one track seperated like this: songa / songb.

    I would appreciate any help as to the best way to prevent problems like this and the best tag settings. Or please let me know if you notice anything I have set up wrongly in the tag options.
  • drspy00
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2004
    • 104

    Re: Mp3 Tag Problems

    I almost forgot to post the configuration settings:

    Smart Install Codecs
    Windows Media Audio: .wma
    Ogg Vorbis: .ogg
    Musepack: .mpc
    Mp4 (AAC): .mp4
    OptimFROG: .ofr
    Shorten: .shn
    WavPack: .wv
    Advanced Audio Compression: .aac

    ===Shell Integration===
    Convert To (right click): On
    Edit Tag (right click): On
    Popup information Tips: On
    Explorer ID Tag Property Page: On
    Explorer Columns: On

    Installed Compression Codecs (Write)
    [Arrange Music]
    FLAC: Release 5.3 (using FLAC 1.1.2) [ .flac ]
    Monkeys Audio: Release 7 (Using Monkeys 3.99) [ .ape ]
    Mp3 (Lame): Lame Version 3.96.1 [ .mp3 ]
    Test Conversion (No Write)
    Wave: [ .wav ]

    Installed Input Codecs (Read)
    Auxiliary Input Decoder: .aux
    CD Input Decoder: .cda
    Flac Input Decoder: .flac
    Monkeys Audio Decoder: .ape
    Mp3 Input Decoder: .mp3; .mp2; .mpga; .mpa; .mpx; .mpg; .mp1
    Wave Input Decoder: .wav

    dBpowerAMP Reference Options
    Pro. Frequency Conversion: On (slower but high quality)

    Flac Input Decoder
    Associate with .FLA Files: No

    Mp3 Input Decoder
    CRC Errors: Ignore
    Decode To: 16 bit (dithered)

    Wave Compression Codec
    More than 16 bit or 2 Channels: Write WaveFormatEx Header

    ===ID Tag Options===
    Tag Creation: Vorbis Comments
    Write ID3v2 Version: v2.2

    Monkeys Audio
    Tag Creation: Ape2

    Tag Creation: ID3v2 & ID3v1
    Write ID3v1 Version: v1.1
    ID3v1 UTF8 Read: Yes
    ID3v1 UTF8 Write: Yes
    Write ID3v2 Unicode: No
    Write ID3v2 Version: v2.21


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: Mp3 Tag Problems

      If the files are 1KB then it is not tags which are the problem but the reading of the monkeys audio file (perhaps it is corrupt?)


      • drspy00
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Apr 2004
        • 104

        Re: Mp3 Tag Problems

        Originally posted by Spoon
        If the files are 1KB then it is not tags which are the problem but the reading of the monkeys audio file (perhaps it is corrupt?)
        They can't be corrupt, they play fine and even converted fine when I played with the tag settings but the tags were not present in the mp3s.


        • drspy00
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Apr 2004
          • 104

          Re: Mp3 Tag Problems

          Can anyone tell me what the best tag settings are for mp3? For the most compatibility and most likely to accept most characters?


          • Deano
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Jan 2006
            • 130

            Re: Mp3 Tag Problems

            Well, to be compatible with most software Id3v2.3 is probably the most widely utilised by other software. Turning on Unicode characters *may* also help with the writing of these tags as well.

            Although, personally... Id3 tags in general are by far the most annoying tags in the world for compatibility. I personally use foobar2000 to reorganise any of my written tags into Id3v2.4... but that's another thing entirely.

