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Only another question about MP3 Tags

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  • coblesan

    • May 2005
    • 11

    Only another question about MP3 Tags

    Hello, I wanted to ask a question about MP3 tags. Not sure if this is a bug in the software or codec’s.

    I am a regular to the forum and read the threads daily and I have never seen this problem. I highlighted all files and checked the tags. I wanted to add the Genre to all the files since they were from the same album. Before the change this is they way the tags read:

    Artist: Golden Smog
    Title: [Different]
    Album: Another Fine Day
    Track: [Different]
    Year: 2006
    Genre: I added this....
    Comment: Empty

    When I clicked on the OK button the Title and Track of each song disappeared when I went back to check the tags again. This wasn't really a problem since I had the "Tag From Filename" installed and had dbpowerAMP rewrite the missing tag information. Again not sure if this is a bug or just some coincidence. Also, I am not sure if I upgraded to R12 Alpha ,don't know how to tell. File dates for the application are either 8/24/2005 or 10/16/2005.

    My configuration is as follows:

    Version Information
    dBpowerAMP Music Converter: Release 11.5
    Power Pack & Mp3 License: [ Registered: Yes ]
    dBpowerAMP Audio Player: Release 3 Beta 6
    dBpowerAMP CD Writer: Not Installed 'easy way to burn audio cds'
    Sveta Portable Audio: Not Installed 'enhance your portable player'

    Contact Information
    Web Site:
    Support Forum:
    Codec Central:
    Add extra [en/de]coding abilities such as m4a, wma, etc.

    Smart Install Codecs
    Windows Media Audio: .wma
    Musepack: .mpc
    Monkeys Audio: .ape
    OptimFROG: .ofr
    WavPack: .wv
    Advanced Audio Compression: .aac

    Installed Compression Codecs (Write)
    [Arrange Music]
    [Tag from Filename]: Release 1
    FLAC: Release 5.2 (using FLAC 1.1.2) [ .flac ]
    m4a (FAAC CLI): Release 3.5 (Faac v1.24.1, AppleLossless 0.1.5) [ .m4a ]
    Mp3 (Lame): Lame Version 3.96.1 [ .mp3 ]
    Shorten (CLI): Release 3 (Shorten 3.5.1) [ .shn ]
    Test Conversion (No Write)
    Wave: [ .wav ]

    Installed Input Codecs (Read)
    Auxiliary Input Decoder: .aux
    CD Input Decoder: .cda
    Flac Input Decoder: .flac; .fla
    Midi Input Decoder: .mid; .midi
    Mp3 Input Decoder: .mp3; .mp2; .mpga; .mpa; .mpx; .mpg; .mp1
    mp4 Decoder: .mp4; .m4a; .m4b
    Ogg Vorbis Input Decoder: .ogg
    Shorten Compressed Audio File (*.SHN): .SHN
    Wave Input Decoder: .wav

    Mp3 Input Decoder
    CRC Errors: Ignore
    Decode To: 16 bit (dithered)

    Wave Compression Codec
    More than 16 bit or 2 Channels: Write WaveFormatEx Header

    Tag Creation: Vorbis Comments
    Write ID3v1 Version: v1.1
    Write ID3v2 Version: v2.3

    Tag Creation: Smart Ape2 & ID3v1
    Write ID3v1 Version: v1.1
    ID3v1 UTF8 Read: Yes
    ID3v1 UTF8 Write: No
    Write ID3v2 Unicode: No
    Write ID3v2 Version: v2.3

    Thanks for the help.

  • Deano
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2006
    • 130

    Re: Only another question about MP3 Tags

    Sounds like this could be to do with your ID3 tag settings. Maybe because you are using Smart APE and Id3v1 together, dBpowerAMP is getting confused. Other than that, I am not entirely sure what else to suggest on the subject.


    • xoas
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2002
      • 2662

      Re: Only another question about MP3 Tags

      The R12 alpha 1 release was issued 1/17/06. It and the R12 alpha 2 release install over the R11.5 standard version. R12 alpha 3 and beyond tend to take over all of dMC and leave you just with supported R12 features and capabilities for mp3 and wave formats ONLY. I think its a safe bet that you have the R11.5 standard version. (If you save your installation files, the R12 installation file would be a separate download; there is also a dMC R12 configuration feature which is located in the same place as configuration for the dB Audio Player, if you need to absolutely confirm).

      I believe you would have better luck opening up the tracks from your album in MMC (My Music Collection) by selecting the group of them, right-clicking and selecting Edit Tag. I have done this and it does not result in losing the non-standard tag information (which seems to be what happened in your case).

      I am not sure whether R12 has this same problem or not, or whether it will be corrected if this problem is still there.

      Best wishes,


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Only another question about MP3 Tags

        If you have tried R12 alpha then that is something very different (we would have to look in different area where the bug might be), but it would not be shown in the version number.


        • coblesan

          • May 2005
          • 11

          Re: Only another question about MP3 Tags

          Thanks for the responses. Will keep you informed if it continues to happen.


