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WMA files showing wrong Track Number

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  • Photo_Joe

    • Jul 2006
    • 2

    WMA files showing wrong Track Number

    Since I bought a portable mp3/wma music player I started converting some of my cd's to wma files and I noticed that dbpowerAMP tooltip and tag editor do not show the correct track number for the files. It seems to increase the track value by +1, for example the cd tracks 1 to 10 will be displayed as 2 to 11. The correct track values or displayed in the Window Explorer detail view and in Windows Media Player 10. If I use the dbpowerAMP tag editor to change the value of the track tag so that it is displayed correctly in the tooltip feature it is displayed incorrectly by Windows Media Player and Windows Explorer. I also checked this with another Tag Editor and it matches with Windows. So I think there is a problem with dbpowerAMP. Is there something I need to do different with dbpowerAMP or is this a program bug?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: WMA files showing wrong Track Number

    In dMC Configuration is an advanced option for WMA tagging, the track number.


    • Photo_Joe

      • Jul 2006
      • 2

      Re: WMA files showing wrong Track Number

      I just wanted to let you know I found the problem, It was me using the other tag editor. It was the one messing up the track numbers. I was using the other tag editor because it has the feature of bulk "filename change" using the tag fields of my choice with fixed charcters of my choice between tag fields. I have now found I can still use this feature, but leave the tag editing to dbpowerAMP.

      Thanks for your help.

