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Can you use dBpowerAMP from a CLI?

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  • Jaxel

    • Jul 2006
    • 1

    Can you use dBpowerAMP from a CLI?

    Unlike most people, I like command line interfaces. It permits me to do batch files and the like.

    I use dBpowerAMP for conversion with the audio in my video. Right now, I have my batch files converting my video from 30fps to 60fps and demuxing audio into MPA audio formats. Once that is all done, I convert the MPA to both WAV and MP3. (Wav to be read by avisynth and Mp3 to replace the streams)...

    I would like for this conversion process to also be automated in my batch file.

    Would there be a way to set this up? Perhaps with something like...

    musicconverter -[filename] -codec=mp3lame -bitr=128 -chan=source -freq=source
    musicconverter -[filename] -codec=wave -bitr=16 -chan=2 -freq=48000
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Can you use dBpowerAMP from a CLI?

    No, the only other way to access dMC besides the GUI is scripting. Look in the developer section of this forum for more information.

    Also, have you tried the "Multi-Encoder" codec in the beta section of this forum? It takes one file and outputs it to two or more codecs of your choice.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Can you use dBpowerAMP from a CLI?

      Check R12 alpha that is fully commandable (beta section this forum).

