I've been using the auto-start/stop feature to convert cassette tracks to individual mp3 files. Where I found a problem track-gap, or in-track silence, I 'rehearsed' the settings by playing/recording/converting a short section of the previous track up to and past the intertrack gap (or section with in-track silences) and listening to the resulting mp3s.
Although I've found settings using this method which work with a short section of track, when play/record/convert the full track, something during the write process (guessing here) of that previous track seems to interfere with the commencement of the capture/conversion of that next track.
Is this an intrinsic problem with the way the record/convert/write process works or is there some 'write optimization' or other settings which can be altered to eliminate this anomally?
Although I've found settings using this method which work with a short section of track, when play/record/convert the full track, something during the write process (guessing here) of that previous track seems to interfere with the commencement of the capture/conversion of that next track.
Is this an intrinsic problem with the way the record/convert/write process works or is there some 'write optimization' or other settings which can be altered to eliminate this anomally?