I know this is in the FAQ but the FAQ says to regain right click access to dbamp file conversion I am to use the Start menu shortcut, which I don't have. Can someone tell me which app opens the config? Thanks.
Regaining right-click access
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Re: Regaining right-click access
You'll have to find it in your program files, in the Illustrate\dBpowerAMP group.
It really should be in Start > Programs > Illustrate > dBpowerAMP if you installed everything properly . -
Re: Regaining right-click access
If you do not have the shortcut, then you need to make a shortcut. The path is as follows (during the default install): note that you DO need the quotes
"C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\MusicConverter.exe" <config>
That will give you back the dMC Configuration shortcut.Comment