The CODEC required to compress 'C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Hurts So Good.mp3.TEMP.mp3' could not be opened.
problem converting .wav file to .mp3 8000 hz.
Re: problem converting .wav file to .mp3 8000 hz.
Do you have a registered version of dMC or an unexpired trial version?
Otherwise you cannot convert to mp3. -
Re: problem converting .wav file to .mp3 8000 hz.
If your WAV file is a normal WAV (16-bit, 2 channel, 44100Hz) file, try converting to a 16-bit, 2 channel, 8000Hz WAV and then to your mp3 settings. Changing more than one thing (file type, frequency, channels) at a time can result in a failure to convert.
Please don't double-post. I deleted your other thread.Comment
Re: problem converting .wav file to .mp3 8000 hz.
I was actually able to convert a stereo uncompressed pcm wav, 16-bit, 44.1KHz to mp3 at 8000Hz in one shot.
Problems appear to be converting between compressed formats at different frequencies.Comment