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Problems with registration and running dMC

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  • Ale81

    • May 2006
    • 3

    Problems with registration and running dMC

    Hi, I have purchased the power pack today, then have tryed to register but I have problem with the 2nd step. I write the code/string but it shows me always an error message. so I can't complete my registration.
    more the dbpoweramp program is givin' me problems with the pc..after few minutes I run it, my pc power off..what I have to do?
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: registration

    Moved to a new thread.
    See here for the registration:
    For the first week or so after you have purchased the PowerPack, you use the link in the e-mail sent to you to download the registered version. The re-download on this website takes approximately one week after the date or purchase to be updated with your license number.

    Now, for your problems with dMC. Can you do a dMC Configuration dump? To do this, go to Start --> Programs --> dBpowerAMP Music Converter --> Configuration --> dMC Configuration then click "Copy Configuration to clipboard" and paste the results here.


    • Ale81

      • May 2006
      • 3

      Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

      I guess you mean this:
      Version Information
      dBpowerAMP Music Converter:   Release 11.5
      Power Pack & Mp3 License:        [ Registered: Yes ]
      dBpowerAMP Audio Player:   Not Installed    'music Player like no other'
      dBpowerAMP CD Writer:   Not Installed    'easy way to burn audio cds'
      Sveta Portable Audio:   Not Installed    'enhance your portable player'
      Contact Information
      Web Site:   [url][/url]
      Support:   [url][/url]
      Support Forum:   [url][/url]
      Codec Central:   [url][/url]
      Add extra [en/de]coding abilities such as m4a, wma, etc.
      Smart Install Codecs
      Windows Media Audio:   .wma
      Ogg Vorbis:   .ogg
      Mp4 (AAC):   .mp4
      Flac:   .flac
      OptimFROG:   .ofr
      WavPack:   .wv
      Advanced Audio Compression:   .aac
      ===Shell Integration===
      Convert To (right click): On
      Edit Tag (right click): On
      Popup information Tips: On
      Explorer ID Tag Property Page: On
      Explorer Columns: On
      Installed Compression Codecs (Write)
      FLAC:   Release 5.3 (using FLAC 1.1.2) [ .flac ]
      Monkeys Audio:   Release 7  (Using Monkeys 3.99) [ .ape ]
      Mp3 (Lame):   Lame Version 3.96.1 [ .mp3 ]
      Musepack mpc (CLI):   Release 5 [SV7 1.15v] [ .mpc ]
      Shorten (CLI):   Release 3 (Shorten 3.5.1) [ .shn ]
      Test Conversion (No Write)
      Wave:    [ .wav ]
      Installed Input Codecs (Read)
      Auxiliary Input Decoder:      .aux
      CD Input Decoder:      .cda
      Monkeys Audio Decoder:      .ape
      Mp3 Input Decoder:      .mp3; .mp2; .mpga; .mpa; .mpx; .mpg; .mp1
      MPC Decoder:      .mpc; .mpp; .mp+
      Shorten Compressed Audio File (*.SHN):      .SHN
      Wave Input Decoder:      .wav
      dBpowerAMP Reference Options
      Pro. Frequency Conversion:   Off  (faster but less quality)
      Mp3 Input Decoder
      CRC Errors:   Ignore
      Decode To:   16 bit (dithered)
      Wave Compression Codec
      More than 16 bit or 2 Channels:   Write WaveFormatEx Header
      ===ID Tag Options===
      Monkeys Audio
      Tag Creation:   Ape2
      Tag Creation:   Smart Ape2 & ID3v1
      Write ID3v1 Version:   v1.1
      ID3v1 UTF8 Read:   Yes
      ID3v1 UTF8 Write:   No
      Write ID3v2 Unicode:   No
      Write ID3v2 Version:   v2.3
         Version Information
      dBpowerAMP Music Converter:   Release 11.5
      Power Pack & Mp3 License:        [ Registered: Yes ]
      dBpowerAMP Audio Player:   Not Installed    'music Player like no other'
      dBpowerAMP CD Writer:   Not Installed    'easy way to burn audio cds'
      Sveta Portable Audio:   Not Installed    'enhance your portable player'
      Contact Information
      Web Site:   [url][/url]
      Support:   [url][/url]
      Support Forum:   [url][/url]
      Codec Central:   [url][/url]
      Add extra [en/de]coding abilities such as m4a, wma, etc.
      Smart Install Codecs
      Windows Media Audio:   .wma
      Ogg Vorbis:   .ogg
      Mp4 (AAC):   .mp4
      Flac:   .flac
      OptimFROG:   .ofr
      WavPack:   .wv
      Advanced Audio Compression:   .aac
      ===Shell Integration===
      Convert To (right click): On
      Edit Tag (right click): On
      Popup information Tips: On
      Explorer ID Tag Property Page: On
      Explorer Columns: On
      Installed Compression Codecs (Write)
      FLAC:   Release 5.3 (using FLAC 1.1.2) [ .flac ]
      Monkeys Audio:   Release 7  (Using Monkeys 3.99) [ .ape ]
      Mp3 (Lame):   Lame Version 3.96.1 [ .mp3 ]
      Musepack mpc (CLI):   Release 5 [SV7 1.15v] [ .mpc ]
      Shorten (CLI):   Release 3 (Shorten 3.5.1) [ .shn ]
      Test Conversion (No Write)
      Wave:    [ .wav ]
      Installed Input Codecs (Read)
      Auxiliary Input Decoder:      .aux
      CD Input Decoder:      .cda
      Monkeys Audio Decoder:      .ape
      Mp3 Input Decoder:      .mp3; .mp2; .mpga; .mpa; .mpx; .mpg; .mp1
      MPC Decoder:      .mpc; .mpp; .mp+
      Shorten Compressed Audio File (*.SHN):      .SHN
      Wave Input Decoder:      .wav
      dBpowerAMP Reference Options
      Pro. Frequency Conversion:   Off  (faster but less quality)
      Mp3 Input Decoder
      CRC Errors:   Ignore
      Decode To:   16 bit (dithered)
      Wave Compression Codec
      More than 16 bit or 2 Channels:   Write WaveFormatEx Header
      ===ID Tag Options===
      Monkeys Audio
      Tag Creation:   Ape2
      Tag Creation:   Smart Ape2 & ID3v1
      Write ID3v1 Version:   v1.1
      ID3v1 UTF8 Read:   Yes
      ID3v1 UTF8 Write:   No
      Write ID3v2 Unicode:   No
      Write ID3v2 Version:   v2.3
      Last edited by LtData; May 25, 2006, 09:02 PM. Reason: edited for readability


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

        It's registered according to the configuration:
        dBpowerAMP Music Converter: Release 11.5
        Power Pack & Mp3 License: [ Registered: Yes ]


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

          The registration step you refer to on this webpage is only necessary if you lose your registered status and lose the registered installer that you downloaded.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

            >my pc power off..what I have to do?

            It is mos likely you computer is overheating (unless you have the Power Pack option set to turn off the computer after converting, it is in the priority drop list).


            • Ale81

              • May 2006
              • 3

              Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

              Originally posted by ChristinaS
              It's registered according to the configuration:
              dBpowerAMP Music Converter: Release 11.5
              Power Pack & Mp3 License: [ Registered: Yes ]
              This means that I have to wait a week and then terminate the registration online? Even for re-download the program because of now it doesn't work turning off my pc every each time I run it (the program)

              Will this problem fade away when I'll complete my registration?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

                It says it is registered, so re-installing will not help, I think it is a might have something to do with your computers hardware (it is simple to check wether it is overheating).


                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

                  You do not need to "complete" your registration. Purchasing and installing the registered .exe you downloaded is all you have to do to be registered. The "Registration" button on this website is only if you lose your registered status and you lose the registered .exe.


                  • ChristinaS
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2004
                    • 4097

                    Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

                    Originally posted by Ale81
                    This means that I have to wait a week and then terminate the registration online? Even for re-download the program because of now it doesn't work turning off my pc every each time I run it (the program)

                    Will this problem fade away when I'll complete my registration?
                    You are referring of the way to re-download it.

                    Well, when you downlaod anythign - don't you save it first to the HD befero startign installation?

                    If you need to reinstall and didn't do this the frist time make sure you do this when you next get to downlaod it.

                    As Spoon says, it probably is not necessary to install again. It may be hardware problems, or conflicts with other software.

                    But for yourself you should always have a copy of the downloaded software.


                    • SakeHyushi

                      • May 2006
                      • 1

                      Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

                      I registered but my hard drive has failed me since then. Having to get a new one, is there any way I can recover the register code and regain the link to download the registered version? I can provide personal information to prove my identity or show purchase info as necessary (to the authorized only, of course.)


                      • Wayne
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Aug 2002
                        • 1254

                        Re: Problems with registration and running dMC

                        Try contacting Spoon using email address on this link


