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Won't WORK

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  • Yodawon

    • May 2006
    • 2

    Won't WORK

    So I loved dmb poweramp music converter for ripping my CDs into mp3s. I had used the free version for a long time, and finally decided I would support a good product rather than find some other less reliable but free program. And now that I've bought it, it won't work! After installing the registered version, I've tried 3 different CDs twice each, and not one of them has ripped accurately. The best I think I've gotten is 4 properly ripped tracks from an attempt.

    I've tried restarting the computer. I've tried setting the program to high priority. Nothing works. I've also noticed it rips a lot slower than it used to - well over 20 minutes now, whereas before it would usually only take about 10 - 15 min. What is going on?
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: Won't WORK

    You want below average conversion priority. This results in a faster conversion.

    How fast or slow it's ripping depends on your settings. They would have been overwritten with new defaults when you installed the registered version, but you can modify them. Click the big Options button and see what you have.

    Also as part of the Powerpack options you have rip to ram which ought to speed it up.

    When you say the tracks were not ripped accurately what do you mean? Some tracks didn't rip at all? All ripped but some with poor audio results? Or you got iffy results based on Accuraterip?

    Finally the quality of your ripped files depends on what format you ripped them to. If you rip to uncompressed PCM wav, 16-bit, 2-channel stereo, 44.1KHz - then that ought to be identical in audio quality to the original cd track. Likewise if you rip to Flac or WMA Lossless. If you rip to compressed formats, then it depends on what codec and compression settings you used.


    • Yodawon

      • May 2006
      • 2

      Re: Won't WORK

      All tracks rip, but with iffy results per Accurate rip. In testing the "iffy" files, there is lots of audible corruption - repeated skips, big jumps, static, etc. The most recent test yielded ZERO accurate tracks.

      I am ripping at maximum speed to an mp3 format at 192kbps, stereo sound, and 44.1KHz.


      • neilthecellist
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2004
        • 1288

        Re: Won't WORK

        Have you tried different drives? Reinstallation of dBpowerAMP?


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097

          Re: Won't WORK

          Originally posted by Yodawon
          All tracks rip, but with iffy results per Accurate rip. In testing the "iffy" files, there is lots of audible corruption - repeated skips, big jumps, static, etc. The most recent test yielded ZERO accurate tracks.

          I am ripping at maximum speed to an mp3 format at 192kbps, stereo sound, and 44.1KHz.
          Check that your drives are DMA enabled.

          Try a slower ripping speed.

          Did you configure your drives for Accuraterip first? That's a rather rigurous and tedious step.

          Make sure the cd's are not in fact copy protected.
          Last edited by ChristinaS; May 23, 2006, 05:12 AM.


          • magic_curt

            Re: Won't WORK

            Did XP update recently?
            I ask because I am (was) trying a beta MSDN of a device driver upgrade that caused dmc to hang my PC :vmad: . It could be Microsoft are auto releasing it?


            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: Won't WORK

              The beta drivers are probably the culprit. What device was the driver for? Your IDE controller?


              • bearga

                • May 2006
                • 5

                Re: Won't WORK

                I do not know if this will help, but I too had no problem with the trail version, but... When I installed the registered version, I made no adjustments, I had not even looked at the DSP effects, but apparently the registered copy installed with that sound grabber effect, I disabled the effect and now my mp3s are fine. My problem may have been a bit different, my mp3 were only short samplings of songs instead of full tracks but the few full tracks made snapping or clicking sounds, a lot of corruption - static.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44825

                  Re: Won't WORK

                  In CD-Input click Power Pack >> and make sure Rip to Ram and Encode at same time are both checked.

