I have a dozen cds full of small .aif files (all made by a friend) and would like to convert them to .wav files. dMC will convert about 20% and the rest produce an error message like: "The CODEC required to decompress 'C:\Converted Music\waterfall.aif' could not be opened." Any explanation?
converting .aif files
I am sure Daren can answer better, but I think there are different compressed formats for aif, so only the basic aif format is supported in dMc. -
Right on the money Spoon. There are compressed versions of
AIFF files and my codec will only do the linear versions.
If you've got a Mac you could try Soundhack (www.soundhack.com).
In the Windows domain you could use the Windows version
of Quicktime player and record the output using dBPowerAMP
auxilliary input.
Hope this helps,