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OGG -> MP3 freezing up

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  • GregP

    • May 2006
    • 13

    OGG -> MP3 freezing up

    After messing about with several different programs, including r10 versions of db, I finally made the plunge and went all-in. This was due directly to seeing the new file selector tool, which will make converting my entire OGG archive of my own CDs to WMA or MP3 format for my portable a lot easier.

    Incidentally, I went in for the portable option, only to afterwards realize, "duh, you're going to convert the whole library anyhow..." and although I don't mind supporting independent software developers, I saw no way to contact anyone directly in order to discuss any possibilities of a partial refund...!

    On to the point, though, money being irrelevant for the moment and my own fault anyhow:

    My computer keeps freezing during OGG -> MP3 conversion. I've had issues with LAME in the past with large numbers of files, with other conversion programs, but I've never had it consistently not make it through even one song. And when LAME HAS crashed, it has produced an error report and has let me continue computing. The crashes in conjunction with db produce a total system lock, which requires powering down and rebooting.

    I thought it might just be a bad sector or something weird and "off-chance" like that, but upon trying the conversion with another program, everything went smoothly and quickly.

    dbPoweramp Converter has a LOT going for it, which is what made me decide to finally purchase it after going through dozens of other converters and never being happy. But this issue gives me that sudden "sinking" feeling in my stomach, like, "Goodbye $30 CDN". I already had that sinking feeling after realizing that Sveta doesn't support my portable (RCA Lyra) directly, and even worse when I realized I didn't truly need the Sveta fully loaded at all.

    This feeling was partially eased by the joy of supporting a cool independent developer, but was again quickly squashed when the basic task of OGG->MP3 could not be accomplished.

    Hopefully someone can help, and if not, perhaps the developer could engage in a private e-mail discussion with me...?

  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

    Can you tell us about what Windows version you are using, and what your system specs are (processor, speed, ram)?

    I would encourage you to set your conversion priority to Below Normal (this will sometimes be enough to prevent lock-ups). The conversion priority (requires Power Pack (which you have as part of Sveta fully loaded) is set in the window that displays the progress of the current conversion.

    Sometimes converting Ogg vorbis to wave and wave to mp3 will place less stress on your system. The amount of compression applied to your Ogg files and the your mp3 settings may also affect the speed of conversions and strain on your system.

    I would point out that File Selector can be finicky with large batch conversions and you may need to start out with fairly small batches and work your way up to determine the largest batch that your system can comfortably handle.

    Also, I assume you have the option to Delete Source File(s) After Conversion turned off. If not, please do so.

    Best wishes,


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44386

      Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

      If you have Windows XP then no computer program (no matter how badly written) should make XP lockup - you have a hardware issue (perhaps CPU is overheating).


      • our_tess

        Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

        They CAN cause XP to crash :thumbdown


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

          I also have to admit that I have seen programs lock up Windows XP, but normally because of old videocard drivers when playing a video game. However, I have seen lockups that require a restart for other reasons besides overheating.

          After saying this, your problem most likely does lie with your CPU overheating. If you are using a desktop, open up the side of your computer and put a floor fan against the side of the case, with the fan blowing into the case. Now try converting again. If it still crashes, try finding the CPU heatsink (normally located towards the top of the computer under a big metal/fan piece or under a plastic shroud). Place your finger on the side of the heatsink. If you are nearly burned, your CPU is overheating and you probably need to replace the heatsink or fan.

          As for refunds, after you download the program after your purchase, you cannot get a refund. Sorry.


          • GregP

            • May 2006
            • 13

            Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

            Thanks for the responses. As I'm sure you're aware, Lt, a consumer contract implies that properly-functioning goods have been delivered. I lived up to my responsibility by testing the program first before purchasing, and it indeed worked fine. I was not able to test MP3 conversion with R11, though, since I had "used up" my PowerPack trial with R10. It's not likely that I'd ever bother arbitrating over such a small sum, but be aware that the consumer always has rights no matter what disclaimers you may be putting into your download links. I invested in dbPowerAmp because the developer, community, and company seemed worth investing in rather than one of the more "well known" converters. Plus, it's great software when it works.

            Now, I'm a very open-minded guy when it comes to troubleshooting, so don't take this the wrong way (ie. I'm not just arguing for the sake of arguing, I genuinely want a solution); however--

            1. XP CAN lock up for software-related reasons. It's extremely rare, but it does happen. Its rarity is actually what surprised me about this lock-up. I expected a crash to behave more like when LAME crashes in conjunction with Foobar, which is to generate an error log and halt conversion.

            2. It stands to reason that if it were a CPU overheating or other pure hardware-related issue, I would have encountered it with other conversion processes in other programs. Using other converters and the LAME codec, with the same files, on the same drive, and with the same destination, I often reach over 100 conversions before a crash, and on rare occasions make it into the several hundreds. I will definitely try the "below normal" priority to see if that changes things, but I find the odds slim at best. I've been employed as a computer tech and have spent nearly 2 decades with the things. I know a CPU overload issue or hardware issue when I encounter one, and this is not likely it.

            That out of the way, I'd like to continue with actual trouble-shooting--

            xoas: I have a Windows XP SP2 Home system built on an Athlon XP 2600+, 1024 MB of 3200 RAM, 2 120 GB IDE drives mounted internally, and a 250 GB HDD mounted externally in a USB 2.0 enclosure. The entire system was "burnt-in" and tested extensively (including 24 hours of memtest) when it was first built, because it had to be reliable in my home studio environment. No overclocking or other CPU shenanigans. Oversized CPU fan and large case fan, providing "normal" airflow. Nothing extraordinary for cooling, but nothing extraordinary needed.

            The OGG -> WAV and then WAV -> MP3 process might be a partial solution, if it works. Logically, it shouldn't matter since the processes happen sequentially anyhow, and shouldn't therefore place any more stress on a system. Additionally, OGG -> MP3 has worked with other converters without maxxing my system, though I still distrust the LAME codec in general.

            It should be re-stated that these lockups are happening with the very first conversion of the batch.

            I tested using Windows Explorer's right-click menu instead of File Selector, on only one directory, and the problem persisted.

            "Delete Source File" definitely turned off. I want to keep the OGG library, and just use the MP3 "copy" of it for my portable device.

            File Selector being finicky with large batches is also an issue that in theory "shouldn't" happen. If all those files were being converted at once, perhaps. But again, since they happen sequentially I don't understand how there can be more stress.


            Now, revisitng the issue of "stress", I DO understand that once you've done dozens of conversions back-to-back, your system won't have had a "break" and this is probably the stress you're referring to after all. But since this lock-up is happening on the first conversion, that shouldn't be the case. If I can do even just 10 directories at a time (~100 files) hassle-free, I'll be able to work through my library fairly comfortably.


            Thanks to bill and Lt for pratical suggestions; even though I'm certain it's not a CPU overheat, at least that's one possible cause that was selected and addressed. :D


            I don't mind using WMA instead of MP3 if people have luck with the WMA codecs. Between 9.0 and 9.1 is there any reason to prefer 9.0? Double-pass seems to produce very slow conversion times; should it just be single-pass? Should I just stick to MP3 instead?


            I'm actually now suspicious mainly of the USB 2.0 enclosure. I will try doing a few sample directories on my "internally-mounted" drives to see if that works.

            Last edited by GregP; May 08, 2006, 08:52 PM.


            • xoas
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2002
              • 2662

              Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

              OK. I am sure your system has ample resources and that that is not the cause of your difficulties.

              I am not sure you have addressed/tried the recommendation to lower your conversion priority to Below Normal or if you have checked your conversion priority. Changing conversion priority can be important even in on system with ample resources as it avoids conflicts with background applications. Further, if you inadvertantly set your conversion priority to Pause it will remain that way for every subsequent conversion you attempt until you reset it (NOT that I think this happened, its just an example of a secondary reason to check Conversion Priority).

              Again, the specs of your Ogg files are worth looking at as are your mp3 settings.

              You may also want to try a test conversion of one or more of these Ogg files. This is done the same way a regular conversion to mp3 would go except that where you choose mp3 as your output codec, choose Test Conversion (No Write). You will not get an output file but the test conversion will tell you if dMC can read the source file and how quickly it can do so. Do try this on a few files and report whether the files test converted and the speed (in Real Time multiples) of the conversions (assuming they are successful). This may prove helpful in isolating the cause of the freeze.

              I assume that you are able to do other conversions without this problem with dMC. I assume also that the program was installed operating with administrative priviledges. If either of these assumptions are mistaken, please let us know.

              Best wishes,


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

                Ahh, I missed the external enclosure part. That might explain the lock-ups. However, if it still does it on the internal drives, the problem must lie elsewhere.


                • GregP

                  • May 2006
                  • 13

                  Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

                  Thanks for the continued attention. No luck over here, however.

                  Set to "Below Normal" now, Pause not selected, all installs (indeed, everything I touch on the computer) done with Admin privs, and I HAVE successfully used dMC, but only in r10. I have "individual" successes in dMC, but other conversions I've tested haven't worked either.

                  Here's what else I did to follow up:

                  First, I tried again on the external drive, with a different folder of media; but in "test write" mode as suggested. The computer froze up instantly. "Well, it's not the write function, but it COULD be the read function" I figured. (despite, as mentioned, having often successfully converted using not only dMC but other programs).

                  Then, I switched to yet another different folder (after reboot) and copied it to my system (C drive first. Tried "test write" again, and it started shuttling along and I thought, "Well, it sucks that it's the drive, but at least the problem's solved." But, that thought was too quick in coming. At the 5th test conversion, the computer froze again.

                  It should be mentioned that I update and scan for virii daily with AVG, for those who might be tempted to play the virus card. My system, as a Digital Audio Workstation, isn't "precious" in its maintenance schedule, but it DOES have attention paid to it and it's a tight-running system. I often leave it running for days at a time, and this is the first time I've encountered lockups.

                  The OGG files were ripped using dMC input, which has been my main ripper for about the past year, so it used whichever OGG Codec was supplied by Codec Central. Quality was set to 500 (I know, unecessary really, but meh, hard drive space is cheap!) and constant bit rate. From the properties panel:

                  500 Kbps, 2 channel, 44.1k, encoded by Xiph.Org libVorbis I 20040629.

                  My two main areas of concern (LAME encoder, external drive) don't seem to be the issue, which leaves me drawing a blank now.

                  Last edited by GregP; May 09, 2006, 05:58 AM. Reason: add information


                  • GregP

                    • May 2006
                    • 13

                    Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

                    I uninstalled everything dB-related, rebooted, and re-installed the most newly-downloaded version, plus downloaded the newest OGG. Since my version has the MP3 already enabled, that was "enough" and I've skipped other codecs for now.

                    Testing worked, giving me 92X.

                    Encoding to MP3 worked on the "internal" drive and its test folder. Within the next short while, I'll continue trying larger conversion batches, including ones on the external USB drive.

                    SO, if things hold up, we'll all be happy (knock on wood!) and the only thing "missing" which is still a worthwhile sacrifice since it means extra income for the developers, is seeing what I can to do take advantage of Sveta in some way or another.

                    Now, IF it continues to hold up, that would imply that there is something "amiss" with installations "over" existing installs (remembering, I had R10 plus some codecs installed already at the point of purchase), which could either be addressed with updated code, or by "forcing" un-install of previous versions before allowing newer ones to be installed.

                    Cheers for the help so far. I'll report back with any findings!


                    PS, the only thing that would make my life complete once my library is converted, is that when I rip an audio CD, I can automatically rip it to 2 locations-- my OGG at 500kps and my MP3 at 128 or whatnot. Is there a way to achieve this already?
                    Last edited by GregP; May 09, 2006, 06:29 AM. Reason: you don't need to 'sign' again after a PS. ;-)


                    • our_tess

                      Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

                      Well done Greg.
                      Do you ever get any time to just listen to the music? :shocked:


                      • xoas
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2002
                        • 2662

                        Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

                        PS, the only thing that would make my life complete once my library is converted, is that when I rip an audio CD, I can automatically rip it to 2 locations-- my OGG at 500kps and my MP3 at 128 or whatnot. Is there a way to achieve this already?
                        Yes there is. Try the Multi-Encoder utility codec from the Beta section of the forum here:
                        This codec allows dMC to encode to 2 formats at the same time, for example rip a cd to mp3 and ogg vorbis, even different 2x mp3 files with different bitrates (the filename can be appended to so that each file would have a unique filename). Download: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/beta/dBpowerAMP-codec-multi-encoder.exe

                        Best wishes,


                        • GregP

                          • May 2006
                          • 13

                          Re: OGG -> MP3 freezing up

                          Thanks, Bill, I'll check into it. Haven't done any further testing yet since my previous post, so nothing new (good OR bad) to report yet.

                          Tess-- yup! I walk my dog for 2 hours a day! Converting bits and pieces of my library to MP3 for the purpose was dragging me down to the point where I just wouldn't bother and kept listening to the same albums over and over again; hence my final decision to just convert the whole shebang.

                          I have to admit, I'm a bit of a luddite with my home system, though. It IS hooked up to the stereo amplifier, but I usually just flip through the CD library and play from there. <chuckle> I really SHOULD take more advantage of a player, whether it's dbPowerAmp or otherwise. Set up playlists 'n' stuff. But I'm such an "album" guy that I rarely want to shuffle or use custom playlists anyhow.



                          • GregP

                            • May 2006
                            • 13

                            Re: OGG -&gt; MP3 freezing up


                            I'm pretty much back to stage 1 of my conversion quest. I don't really blame dMC now that I'm not getting lockups, because the behaviour I'm experiencing has been common to pretty much any converter I'm using, it's just that it's a matter of sooner now rather than later.

                            As I tried those other products, I got up to a fairly extensive set of converted directories, so I'll just have to slowly finish the rest, and then dMC will still come in handy if Bill's link to the multi-encoder works out.

                            This time, MP3 conversion would convert a few directories at a time before program crash (but not system crash). I switched to WMA, and same deal except with a system reboot.

                            If most/all other people on other computers are able convert several folders at a time without such errors, then I'm guessing that somehow (and I have no idea how to track it down, so I'm not going to bother) it's system-specific to me or at least to my 500 kps OGG files. Since I'm not going to re-rip all my CD's (quicker just to convert 1 at a time!) again, I guess I'll just have to give up my quest for smooth conversion.

                            Cheers, and I'll report back with any changes and to share my experiences with the multi-encoder.



                            Here are 2 recent screenshots. The first one is what makes me back to not distrusting LAME still. I really wish we had a Frauenhofer (or whatever) license or similar instead. Or that LAME would make a truly stable release. The second one is not really relevant anymore-- it's just an example of trouble I ran into before a complete re-install, when I just tried to install the latest OGG on top of the old one.

                            Last edited by GregP; May 09, 2006, 09:23 PM.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44386

                              Re: OGG -&gt; MP3 freezing up

                              Lame is very stable, of the 10 million installations of dbpoweramp you just do not hear of it crashing.

                              Try running a program called prime95, it tests the cpu and memory of a system.


