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Last track problem w/accuraterip

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  • Joe C

    • Oct 2005
    • 8

    Last track problem w/accuraterip

    I think I've tried everything, but I still get a "not accurately ripped" message, on the last track of any cd I rip on both of my drives. The odd coincidence is that they both offset at +618. both drives are new. One is a Plextor DVDR PX-740A, and the other is a Lacie that shows up as IDE-DVD DVDRW8651. Any Ideas???
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

    The drives may not support reading into the "Lead-Out". This would mean you are missing fractions of a second off of the end of the track and hence the "not accurate" message. I'm mostly lead to believe this since it is only the last track and I assume it happens on more than one CD.
    Basically, it can be ignored as long as the rest of the CD is accurate and the CD itself doesn't look like it got into a fight with a piece of sandpaper


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

      For all cds or just one?

      (accurate rip is able to account for drives which cannot read lead in and lead out).


      • Joe C

        • Oct 2005
        • 8

        Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

        Sorry it's takin me so long to respond. I've been out of town. It doesn't happen on all cd's but I'd have to say on most. I ripped a few of the cd's in question with eac to compare. All the files matched exactly except for the last track. The last tracks ripped with eac were about 30 kb larger than the dbpoweramp files (1 second). So I'm thinking I must have a setting wrong or something, I know the Plextor is a good drive, there's just not enough hours in the day to use eac, but i need to know that I'm getting an accurate rip.
        thanks Spoon.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

          EAC might be cutting the track short by not reading into the lead out? you would have thought the plextor could read both lead in and out.


          • Joe C

            • Oct 2005
            • 8

            Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

            I think you are misunderstanding me. Since the last track is the only track not ripping accurately with accuraterip, I'm assuming that the eac track which is 26kb longer might be the more accurate one since I know that the dbpoweramp rip is not accurate. again, only on the last track on most cd's
            joe c


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

              Have a look at that extra audio data, I am guessing that EAC is writing 0s for the last 20KB. dBpowerAMP might not return the data if there is an error reported from the drive, accuraterip might expect the data even if the last 5 sectors is not used for calculation (5x2359 off the top of my head with is around 10KB) I will note this down to test for the new R12 cd ripper (being written as we speak).


              • Joe C

                • Oct 2005
                • 8

                Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

                You're correct.
                I verified that my Plextor and my Lacie do not read into the leadout. So I have 2 questions. Is it safe to assume that if all other tracks are accurate, then the last track is fine even if it is missing a few samples, which are probably silence anyway? And if version R12 might deal with this, is there a way for me to try it out?


                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

                  dMC r12 is in early alpha and only supports WAV and mp3 files right now. Sveta, Audio CD Input, and the dBpowerAMP CD Writer do not work with dMC r12 right now. If you still want it, the link is below in my signature. Be aware, though, that once you install dMC r12 over dMC r11.5, dMC r11.5 will cease to function as will all of the add-ons I named above.

                  Regarding missed samples, remember that it takes 44,100 samples to equal one second, so missing a few, even a hundred, will result in little difference to your ears.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Last track problem w/accuraterip

                    But as you have found accuraterip will always report a non-accurate rip for the last track.

