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Is there a way to change a Tag's name using DMC?

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  • Opium357

    • Apr 2006
    • 6

    Is there a way to change a Tag's name using DMC?

    I've recently converted a large audio library made up of Apple lossless files into the WMA lossless format using DMC. It looks like all of the Tag data has been preserved (whew!), which is great.

    Looking at the Tag data now, I see that the files which were originally ripped to WMA use a Tag named "Wm/composer" for the song writing credits, while the files that were originally ripped to Apple Lossles (then converted using DMC to WMA-L) use a Tag named "Writer". For some reason the "Writer" tag does not appear populated when using Windows Media Player (WMP is probably trying to display the "Wm/writer" Tag or something).

    I would like to bring more consistency to my Library, and the best way to accomplish this now would be to rename the "Writer" tag to "Wm/composer" in the files that were converted.

    Is this something that I could accomplish using DMC? I've used the "Edit Tag" feature to change the Tag Data, but have not seen a way to change the Tag Name.


    btw: This program (DMC) has worked great for me so far - I own over 2000 CDs, and I thought that I was going to have to re-rip about 600 CDs in order to covert from Apple Lossles to WMA Lossless. You guys have saved me much time, thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Is there a way to change a Tag's name using DMC?

    Unfortunately not with dMC, and I don't know any tool off hand which will do this.

    I will make a note of the tag differences for dMC R12 which is under development now.


    • Opium357

      • Apr 2006
      • 6

      Re: Is there a way to change a Tag's name using DMC?

      Thanks Spoon....

      I didn't think there was a shortcut for this, so I've already started the manual data entry...

      Maybe this is something I can post in the "New Features" section. Having the ability to select a large group of files and "re-name" a specific tag would really help when normalizing data across large audio libraries.

      Thanks agian.


