I've been a moderate user of this AWESOME software, but just recently its been crappin out on me (I had an older version and that worked then it got screwed up, I then uninstalled it and installed version 11 and it still happens). I'm trying to convert some songs to a a lower quality to save disk space. When its finished I'll look and some of the songs are gone (this happens every 4th conversion from the right click convert to option). It also comes back with an error Unable to convert possibly not enough disk space. I HAVE 7 GIGS LEFT! Theres more than enough. Its still converts it though, but its a pain in the A$$!:vmad:. Than when that happens the dumb ID3 tag doesn't transfer so I have to type it back in.
Plz help! I'm almost way to frustrated to keep DMC.
Thanks, Aaron.
Plz help! I'm almost way to frustrated to keep DMC.
Thanks, Aaron.