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RE: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

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  • SSt

    • Mar 2006
    • 6

    RE: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

    Even though I followed the instructions in the FAQ I only get ripped files of 1k size (using lame.exe) in other words everything looks ok except the missing content :-(

    Does anyone have a clue what may be missing?

    The minute I give me admin rights, everything works.

  • SSt

    • Mar 2006
    • 6

    Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

    I forgot to add that I'm using v11.5.

    The conversation works properly for "MP3 lame" and "Ogg Vorbis"
    but doesn't work for "MP3 lame.exe" and "Ogg Vorbis aoTuV b4".

    The latter ones only generate an empgy file (with correct name though).

    So there must be a difference in invoking these external exe files that's
    causing the issue.



    • ChristinaS
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2004
      • 4097

      Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

      Check the first related thread that appears above this one: - that explains it.


      • SSt

        • Mar 2006
        • 6

        Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

        Thanks for the hint but that's what I meant with having followed the instructions in the FAQ.



        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

          If you trying to rip a CD, click the Options button, then "Advanced" next to the CD drive selection, and then pick "Windows Built-In (Limited)". If you do not see this option, you need to update to dMC r11.5.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

            There will be a windows permission that is stopping dBpowerAMP running programs from a different folder.


            • SSt

              • Mar 2006
              • 6

              Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

              Thanks for the suggestions.

              Unfortunately the "pick the "Windows Built-In (Limited)" option didn't change anything. Did I mention that ripping works fine? Accurate rip gets CRCs and declares the rips to be ok. It's just the external compression with Lame.exe or oggenc2.exe that doesn't work in so far as it produces empty files.

              I tried to address the potential windows permission issue that may be stopping dBpowerAMP running programs from a different folder by moving
              both exe files to folders where there definitely can't be an access issue.
              I don't have any issue invoking both exes manually either.

              Does anyone know how dBpowerAMP communicates with the external compressors? Maybe that's where the issue is.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                Perhaps dbpoweramp has rights to write to the audio files, but the CLI encoder does not...


                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                  Make sure the rights you enabled for the dBpowerAMP install folders applied to the subfolders too. You have to go into advanced and check the "Inherit rights..." box to make sure it applied to the subfolder.


                  • SSt

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 6

                    Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                    Finally found the issue using the debug cli hint from the FAQ:

                    I've sent the Temp Path to C:\Temp\ where anyone has write access
                    but for whatever reason dMC specifies an output file as C:\~outfile.ogg
                    when invoking external compressors - obviously non-admin users won't have write access to C:\

                    Anyone an idea on why this output path is choosen?



                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44825

                      Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                      Mainly because some cli encoders can choke on paths, using the root makes sure no problems.


                      • SSt

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 6

                        Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                        That explains it :-)

                        Maybe the write access to the root directory should be added to the FAQ
                        to make it complete as otherwise more people are going to fall into the trap...



                        • 2029

                          • Jun 2006
                          • 1

                          Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                          I've had a similar problem
                          I'm fairly new to XP, though not to Windows, and have had numerous problems like this with 'Limited' accounts and programmes not working, but working fine in 'Admin' accounts. As most users are daft enought to run as 'Admin' all the time instead of 'Limited' it's not as well documented as it should be.
                          In fact a very nice member of another forum put me on the right track for this general issue of 'rights access' which affects so many programmes.

                          Read your FAQ
                          which is good and correct but for one major ommission : YOU NEED TO BE IN SAFEMODE and logged in as 'the Administrator' to get the 'Security' tab to show !!!!!! (at least in my version of XPHome+sp2)

                          Call me 'Mr. Thicky' if you like, but 'log in as Administrator' is not the same as 'log in as Administator in Safemode' is it? :vmad: No wonder we get so confussed :confused: .

                          After that it worked fine .

                          A very good product, so far, now I can actually use it - and a few other programs with the same 'issues' now also I can use .
                          In fact I like it that much I'm actually thinking of putting my hand in my very very deep pockets (which ain't like me) once I've explored it a bit more :komisch9:


                          • LtData
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 8288

                            Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                            If you use XP Home, the ONLY way into the Administrator account is to boot into Safe Mode. If you use XP Professional, you can log into the Administrator account either from the 2000-style box or by hitting Ctrl-Alt-Del twice to bring up the 2000-style login-box if you use the Welcome Screen.
                            Also, on XP Pro, the "Security" tab shows up if you have simple file sharing turned off. On XP Home, since simple file sharing cannot be turned off, you must log into the Administrator account.

                            Thank you for the update. I will go make the changes to the post.


                            • cal_dy

                              • Aug 2006
                              • 1

                              Re: dMC not working on non-administration accounts

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              Mainly because some cli encoders can choke on paths, using the root makes sure no problems.
                              Can you make this an option to the user? I certainly don't want to give my user account write access to the root directory. Or you could change the current directory when you invoke the cli converter so you don't need to pass it any paths. Using the root directory as a temp is really undesirable.


