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Problem converting FLAC to AAC

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  • redphyve
    • Mar 2006
    • 25

    Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC


    "C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\Compression\Apple Lossless (iTunes)\iTunesEncode.exe" -d -e "Lossless Encoder" -i C:\~dmcin.wav -o C:\~dmcout.m4a


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44047

      Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

      paste that command into a command prompt (when the message shows, do not click ok, but select start >> run and type cmd) then paste on the command line and see what happens.


      • redphyve
        • Mar 2006
        • 25

        Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC


        This happened.

        Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
        (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

        C:\Documents and Settings\Red Phyve>"C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\Comp
        ression\Apple Lossless (iTunes)\iTunesEncode.exe" -d -e "Lossless Encoder" -i C
        :\~dmcin.wav -o C:\~dmcout.m4a
        Input File: C:\~dmcin.wav
        Output File: C:\~dmcout.m4a
        Encoder: Lossless Encoder
        Delete From iTunes: True
        Delay: 4000
        Starting iTunes Encoder... Please Wait...
        Encode Progress at 100%
        Encoder Finished, Adding Tags (if any)
        Copying to C:\~dmcout.m4a
        Deleting track from iTunes

        C:\Documents and Settings\Red Phyve>

        It left a file called ~dmcout.m4a in my c:\ root directory than can be played with iTunes or Quicktime, that appears as ~dmcin.m4a in the window of iTunes or Quicktime.

        Hope this helps.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44047

          Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

          That worked, there must be some security setting in windows that is stopping dbpoweramp from running that command line.


          • redphyve
            • Mar 2006
            • 25

            Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC


            I have not made any changes that would affect this...I have installed only Windows defender...let me see what happens when I kill that.



            • redphyve
              • Mar 2006
              • 25

              Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

              Still not working.

              Any ideas on finding out what it is?


              • redphyve
                • Mar 2006
                • 25

                Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC



                • gameplaya15143
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast
                  • Sep 2005
                  • 276

                  Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                  you can try one of my ways either with faac or psytel aacenc
                  Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

                  and you could try using itunesencode.exe and setting it up manually with the generic cli plugin


                  • Connectz
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 1

                    Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                    I have been having the same problem. It worked only one time with one file and hasn't worked since. I have tried reinstalling the FLAC and MP4 codecs and I still get the "cannot open" file like the original poster gets.

                    What is up with that? I just want to convert my mp4's to FLAC so I can play them in FOOBAR.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44047

                      Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                      It does not work with the same file it worked with once? if so, try uninstalling all, clean dbpoweramps registry and reinstall.


                      • volvoguy
                        • Nov 2004
                        • 17

                        Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                        As much as I hate "me too!" posts, I have to add that I'm having a similar problem.

                        I've got about 4000 FLAC files that I've been trying to convert to .m4a with the iTunes encoder. On my main machine this is *usually* successful (one out of every 10 files is zero length), and attempting to reconvert the failed files usually works the second time. A little odd, but I can live with that.

                        In order to speed things up though, I installed dMC and all the same codecs I have on my desktop to my laptop. On the laptop I'm lucky if one in ten files works correctly. iTunes pops up for a second for each file and almost immediately says it's finished, but I get an .m4a file of zero length and no tag.

                        When looking around here for a solution I was surprised to see that the iTunes encoder isn't supposed to work with iTunes 6, since I've converted so many files successfully with it on my desktop. Maybe that's the source of my problem and something is just configured differently on my laptop. I've tried converting the same files (on the laptop) to WAV and then .m4a and that works (although no tags obviously). I've also tried converting the same FLAC files to .m4a on my desktop machine and I get my typical 90% success rate.

                        I used the FLAC frontend to "verify" all the FLAC files and it says they're all ok, so I'm assuming the issue is either with dMC or more likely iTunes.

                        Any troubleshooting I can do? If it's an iTunes problem can I still download version 5 somewhere and try that? I'd try the Nero converter but I see that it isn't supposed to work with the latest version (of Nero) either.


                        • LtData
                          dBpoweramp Guru
                          • May 2004
                          • 8288

                          Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                          iTunes 5: http://filehippo.com/download_itunes/ (older links on right-hand side)
                          or http://public.www.planetmirror.com/pub/apple/iTunes/


                          • volvoguy
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 17

                            Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                            Originally posted by LtData
                            So that's the official diagnosis? I wonder why iTunes 6 has been working (mostly) for me on one machine but not the other. I'll revert to v.5 on my laptop and see if that resolves the problem. Thx!



                            • volvoguy
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 17

                              Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                              Ok... Not much good news.

                              I uninstalled iTunes6/Quicktime7 and made sure both directories were removed from Program Files. Then I installed iTunes5 from planetmirror and did a test convert. Same exact outcome. iTunes quits after about 10 seconds and the result is a zero byte file with no tags (but hey, the filename is right). :D

                              Then for the heck of it I uninstalled dMC and all codecs, again making sure it was really gone by deleting it's install directory in Program Files. I reinstalled dMC (registered version) and the mp4, iTunes and FLAC codecs (FLAC may not even be necessary for decoding, but hey) and once again got the same results. Is there anything hardware/system related that could be causing problems? This is a less than 6 month old Toshiba laptop with a Centrino processor and 512Mb RAM.

                              Perhaps I'm being too liberal with the registered version by having it run on two machines? This snippet from the registration page made it sound like this would be ok:

                              "registration is not locked to a single PC"

                              If that's what's causing the problem, I don't think I need the registered version to do this particular task, so I could uninstall and reinstall with an unregistered version.

                              I'm really kind of dumbfounded. I consider myself a fairly technical person and I've been using dMC for quite a while and have never seen anything like this. Is there any kind of logging/debugging I can turn on somewhere that might explain what's going on where? Otherwise my desktop machine is going to be tied up for a LONG time converting 4000 files (and going back and fixing the few that get borked).

                              I also just noticed that one batch I converted didn't carry over any tag information, but one headache at a time. :headbang:




                              • LtData
                                dBpoweramp Guru
                                • May 2004
                                • 8288

                                Re: Problem converting FLAC to AAC

                                Did you install the top codec from this page: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/codec-central-mp4.htm the one that is 452KB? You need it to be able to write tags to your converted files.

                                Registration is not locked to a single PC in any way, shape, or form. You are free to install your registered installation on any computer you use and own.

                                And you do need the FLAC codec in order to be able to decode the FLAC files.

                                Next question: Go to dMC Configuration (Start --> Programs --> dBpowerAMP Music Converter --> Configuration --> dMC Configuration) and make sure you have the latest version of dMC (r11.5) and all of your codecs (check Codec Central for version numbers).


