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Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

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  • supster

    • Oct 2005
    • 13

    Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

    im looking for a way to do this, figured someone on here might know:

    i need to be able to take a directory of 64kbps MP3s, and easily join them into one long set for audtioning purposes.

    set cant be mixed ... just allows you to play through the entire set with gaps between the tracks so they are all numbered and can be skipped to in sequence

    in other words: like burning an unmixed audio cd, except it burns one long mp3 to disk

    has to be efficient .. ie .. some software that will allow me to do it, freeware or otherwise

    does anybody have a clue about this because it must be easy to do somehow?
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

    MP3 joining/splitting won't be available until dMC r12.

    In the mean time, you can try Audacity, a free program:


    • xoas
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Apr 2002
      • 2662

      Re: Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

      Well it sounds like you essentially want an mp3 disk where the tracks are fixed in a numbered sequence and there is a 2 second gap between each track. Is this, generally speaking, what you are looking for?

      Were I to do this, I would use dMC to process your existing files using the Add Silence DSP to add 2 seconds of silence at the start of each file, then take the files and burn them to disk as an mp3 audio disk. Many burners can create such a disk. Of the few programs I have used I would recommend either Nero (which is nicer about letting you construct folder hierarchies for your mp3 files before you burn them to disk), or dB CD Writer, which would let you apply the DSP effect as you add the tracks.

      I might be overlooking something and there are details about how to get the files aligned the way you want that we can discuss further if you need help with them.

      Best wishes,


      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

        A few more comments/ideas:

        You might be better off adding the two seconds of silence to the end of each track.

        If you add silence, be sure that you do not delete your original source files (using dB CD Writer this would not be so much of an issue since the files with added silence would be stored only in the folder for the project CD);

        Two other alternativves might, at least in theory, serve the same purpose:
        1. Create a 2 second mp3 track of nothing but silence, make copies and use these tracks as your gaps (these keeps your original tracks intact but might complicate track numbering or labelling-I presume you might label/number tracks 001, 001a, 002, 002 a,... where the tracks with the a are the gaps-this would require more work to set up);
        2. If you could find a program that would automatically wait 2 seconds after a track is finished before playing the next track when playing an mp3 disk (I have no idea whether there is any program that actually does this) then that would effectively allow the player to create the gap (which would be less hassle to set up but might not be so useful if you were going to be distributing these audition disks to different listeners each of whom might use their own programs).

        Anyway, let us know if any of these seem to be possibilities and we can look into this further.

        If none of these seem quite right, perhaps you could help flesh out what your actual needs might be.

        Best wishes,


        • markeh

          • Apr 2007
          • 45

          Re: Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

          Originally posted by LtData
          MP3 joining/splitting won't be available until dMC r12.

          In the mean time, you can try Audacity, a free program:
          Well, I am at 12.4. Can I do this now?? I don't seem to see the option.



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Create Continuous MP3 Audtion set .. how??

            We do not join mp3 files.

