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Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

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  • Snddes

    • Feb 2006
    • 21

    Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

    I find that using the WinGOGO codec either produces a 0-length file or crashes dMC. Tried it on two different machines.

    I've been using WinGOGO for years with its own interface and find it to be much faster than normal Lame (takes about 1:30 to convert an hour file vs. almost 5-minutes for Lame) and I can't hear a difference. But I like dMC's interface much better and would like to have the best of both worlds. Can anyone help?

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

    How were you interfacing dMC with the WinGOGO codec? The "Generic CLI Encoder" codec?

    Are you using the latest version of WinGOGO? When did the last version come out?


    • Snddes

      • Feb 2006
      • 21

      Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

      Originally posted by LtData
      How were you interfacing dMC with the WinGOGO codec?
      I downloaded the codec from "codec-central" and used the dMC installer to install it. When that failed to work correctly, I tried subsituting my original gogo.dll but got the same results. (The two .dll files were exactly the same size so I suspect they are the same version.)



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

        Current lame versions are just as fast as gogo (infact gogo code is in lame).


        • Snddes

          • Feb 2006
          • 21

          Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Current lame versions are just as fast as gogo (infact gogo code is in lame).
          Then something else is causing the slowness. Any thoughts? Roughly how long should it take to convert a 16bit, 44.1 stereo .wav file to 128kbps stereo .mp3 on a P4-2.8 machine with 1GB RAM running WinXP?



          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

            I'd say no more than a minute or two per file, mabye a minute and a half max.


            • Snddes

              • Feb 2006
              • 21

              Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

              Originally posted by LtData
              I'd say no more than a minute or two per file, mabye a minute and a half max.
              I would be delighted with that. Guess something is definitely wrong.

              I did a comparison of dMC with the default Lame codec vs. WinGOGO with it's interface, converting a 1 hour, 16bit stereo .wav file ...

              ... to 128 stereo mp3: WinGOGO: 1:28 vs. dMC: 6:31 (reports 8x Real-time Encoding)

              ... to 128 mono mp3: WinGOGO: 0:28 vs. dMC: 2:10 (reports 29x Real-time Encoding)

              ... to 320 stereo mp3: WinGOGO: 0:54 vs. dMC: 3:45 (reports 15x Real-time Encoding)

              All tests were done with priority set to "normal." Changing from "stereo" to "as source" seems to raise Real-time Encoding to about 10x for 128kbps, but lowers it to about 13x for 320kbps.

              I assume these results aren't normal for dMC. Can you tell me where to start troubleshooting?

              Thanks for the help.


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                Well I was assuming 3-5 minutes per file. A 1 hour WAV file is a little different. Those encoding speeds look about right, though.


                • Snddes

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 21

                  Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                  Originally posted by LtData
                  Well I was assuming 3-5 minutes per file. A 1 hour WAV file is a little different. Those encoding speeds look about right, though.
                  Really?! So dMC is 4 to 5 times slower than WinGOGO? How can that be?


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                    Its more like how is GOGO going that fast. Under a minute is normal for a 3-5 minute WAV, NOT for an hour WAV.


                    • Snddes

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 21

                      Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                      Originally posted by LtData
                      Its more like how is GOGO going that fast. Under a minute is normal for a 3-5 minute WAV, NOT for an hour WAV.
                      I'm wondering the same thing. I'd really like to dump their clunky interface in favor of dMC, but I'm getting outstanding results in terms of speed and quality.

                      If you're interested, I'll post some of the settings from their "options" page. Maybe that would shed some light on it.



                      • gameplaya15143
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Sep 2005
                        • 276

                        Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                        to encode with lame really fast (but lower quality)... about ~40x on my p4 2.4ghz.

                        get the lame cli plugin... and put this in the box:
                        -q 9 -b 320
                        -q is the quality... 0 to 9 where (9 is fast/low quality)
                        -b is the cbr bitrate

                        (i havent done any testing with gogo, im downloading it now.. i'll see what i can do with it as far as using it with DMC)

                        edit a bit later:
                        no go on gogo lol, it does provide pretty decent quality for the speed though... the cli for it doesnt seem to support piping, so at best DMC would write temp files as its input, with takes time.
                        Last edited by gameplaya15143; February 22, 2006, 01:52 AM.


                        • Snddes

                          • Feb 2006
                          • 21

                          Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                          Originally posted by gameplaya15143
                          to encode with lame really fast (but lower quality)...
                          Interesting! For a 1-hr file at 128kbps:

                          -q 9 takes about 0:55 but the quality sucks
                          -q 8 takes about 2:20 and the quality still isn't as good as WinGoGo at 1:30

                          I tried many of the presets for dMC's internal Lame encoder but still couldn't duplicate the GoGo results. Since GoGo is an older version of Lame it should be possible to at least duplicate it's optimization with the latest version, no?


                          • LtData
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 8288

                            Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                            You misunderstood what Spoon said. LAME has some WinGOGO code in it, but its not a verbatim copy of the WinGOGO code.


                            • Snddes

                              • Feb 2006
                              • 21

                              Re: Can't get WinGOGO codec to work

                              Oh, sorry ... I always thought that WinGoGo was a special optimization of Lame, not a completely separate codec. So I guess the only way to get that performance is with it's own interface? That's disappointing. When I saw WinGoGo in the codec-central list I thought I was onto something. Any other suggestions?

