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Keep getting "Unable to read CD" error on LAST track on several discs

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  • realillusions

    • Sep 2018
    • 14

    Keep getting "Unable to read CD" error on LAST track on several discs

    Information converting to FLAC, 'Track 16' to '/Volumes/Sabrent 2TB/MUSIC/*RIPPED FROM CD/Eric Clapton/From The Cradle/16 Eric Clapton - Groaning The Blues.flac'
    Track 16: ERROR Ripping LBA 243930 to 271440 (6:06) in 0:17. Filename: /Volumes/Sabrent 2TB/MUSIC/*RIPPED FROM CD/Eric Clapton/From The Cradle/16 Eric Clapton - Groaning The Blues.flac
    Unable to read CD, check CD disc (frame LBA 243930 ripping 26 frames track end LBA 271440)

    When ripping a batch of CDs from the used CD store (even if they're NEW) I often get the error above, and when attempting to re-rip, CD Ripper won't detect the drive and the drive won't detect the CD, so I have to quit the application and turn drive off-then-on, sometimes I'm able to rip on second attempts, sometimes I'm not.

    On SETTINGS I change Lead-In/Lead-Out setting, and that sometimes does the trick. Sometimes I have to "Burst" rip it.

    How can I troubleshoot to see what is causing the error, if software settings , or optical drive?

    Please advise.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Keep getting "Unable to read CD" error on LAST track on several discs

    Likely the drive is at fault, if the earlier tracks ripped especially.

    A 'unable to read cd' is where the cd drive refuses to send any data whats-so-ever for that part of the disc.

