Hello, Firstly let me say that I am enjoying your software DBPOWERAMP CD RIPPER The Free Version for now.
I have a few questions that I hope you will answer before I go ahead and purchase AND BUY IT.
1. Are there any differences between the FREE edition and the purchased edition
2. I use Virtual DJ for playing my tracks once ripped and I am very impressed to see that your software does quiet a bit more than some other ripping software such as Media Legacy, Ashampoo CD Ripper etc.
in that your software populates not just the Genre but things like the album title and also the year of the album etc. this is extremely good compared to the others I have tried.
However, I have come across some things that would enhance certainly my enjoyment of the software and I'm very sure many others if it where to be upgraded, but forgive me if what I am about to say is in your purchased edition of the software.
When on the RIPPING page in Ripping status column, once a track has been ripped would it be possible to have a tick in that column instead of a cross, a cross makes you think it has not downloaded where as a tick you would know it's downloaded OK. Also on the left hand side of the RIPPING page once again when a track has been successfully ripped the small box on the very left of the page has a tick in that box and stays there even after that track has been ripped successfully, could this tick not disappear once that track has been ripped, I can't see that that would be much of a problem to a computer software programmer, it would help when most of the tracks have downloaded ok but one or two tracks have crashed, its a pain to have to un-tick downloaded tracks before ripping what has failed. Finally, the page background colour, I find that RIPPING a good number of CD's after a while the VERY WHITE background is just too stark and bright, is there any option to change this or is that something you could perhaps improve on.
Alan Pennington
I have a few questions that I hope you will answer before I go ahead and purchase AND BUY IT.
1. Are there any differences between the FREE edition and the purchased edition
2. I use Virtual DJ for playing my tracks once ripped and I am very impressed to see that your software does quiet a bit more than some other ripping software such as Media Legacy, Ashampoo CD Ripper etc.
in that your software populates not just the Genre but things like the album title and also the year of the album etc. this is extremely good compared to the others I have tried.
However, I have come across some things that would enhance certainly my enjoyment of the software and I'm very sure many others if it where to be upgraded, but forgive me if what I am about to say is in your purchased edition of the software.
When on the RIPPING page in Ripping status column, once a track has been ripped would it be possible to have a tick in that column instead of a cross, a cross makes you think it has not downloaded where as a tick you would know it's downloaded OK. Also on the left hand side of the RIPPING page once again when a track has been successfully ripped the small box on the very left of the page has a tick in that box and stays there even after that track has been ripped successfully, could this tick not disappear once that track has been ripped, I can't see that that would be much of a problem to a computer software programmer, it would help when most of the tracks have downloaded ok but one or two tracks have crashed, its a pain to have to un-tick downloaded tracks before ripping what has failed. Finally, the page background colour, I find that RIPPING a good number of CD's after a while the VERY WHITE background is just too stark and bright, is there any option to change this or is that something you could perhaps improve on.
Alan Pennington
