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Making my own compilations.

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  • Foggy28

    • Nov 2023
    • 3

    Making my own compilations.

    Hello everyone this is my first post.
    I have been a paid up member for quite a few years but I now have the time to invest in learning what is for me quite daunting software.
    I have ripped many individual Cd's just fine but making my own track collections from compilation CD's is giving me problems.
    Would someone please write out for me the TAG string (?) that would organise the music tracks into my own collections and also please
    say if I need to change any other settings. At least with this help I could get on with something while I am learning.

    For example:-
    My wife has loads of 'Disco' compilation CD's from different record companies, I would like all these tracks in one big file/groupe on the Hdd
    so they would play through continously for hours as one long 'Disco Party' (and not be split up into albums).
    I dont want the album title or the album art even, just the individual artist and their track title.
    This of course could be any type of music that I want to make my own compilation of.

    Secondly I would have to delete a few of these tracks because some would have been duplicated across all of the albums I am going to ripp,
    in the past when I un-ticked tracks on the preview screen it causes gaps in the offset numbering, ie tracks 1,2,3,4,5, omit 3&4, tracks now read 1,2,4,5,
    does this matter or can I reset the offset numbering.

    Many thanks for any help.
    Last edited by Foggy28; November 06, 2023, 03:53 PM.
  • Foggy28

    • Nov 2023
    • 3

    Re: Making my own compilations.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I record every thing in Flac onto an external SSD, I then plug it in to the USB port
    on my Naim Atom HE (all in one preamp/streamer) and use the Naim app on my tablet to play
    the music. I dont yet know how much editing I can do within the app itself.
    The SSD can of course be plugged into my Windows laptop is this where I would do the editing.
    I had hopped not to disappear down too many 'Rabbit Holes' and keep everything within DBPA.
    Will look at your link and see if I can make sence of it.
    Many thanks.

