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Perfectmeta uses "CD-Text" each time instead of more useful metadata suppliers

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  • FMNY

    • Oct 2010
    • 48

    Perfectmeta uses "CD-Text" each time instead of more useful metadata suppliers

    DBPoweramp is consistently filling my metadata using "CD-Text" as the source. I get such useful info as "CD Track 01" "CD Track 02" etc in all my title fields when in fact it could have chosen to fill the data using another provider that it pulled metadata from. Here, GD3 has the much more useful "Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 I" instead of "CD Track 01" for the title field, but to use that I have to manually review the available metadata and them click on GD3 to select it.

    I don't want to disable "CD-Text" as it is ok when there's no other metadata source available, but is there a way to get DBPoweramp to use another metadata provider when there is other metadata available?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Perfectmeta uses "CD-Text" each time instead of more useful metadata suppliers

    CD Text has preference as it should never be wrong if present as the label created it.


    • schmidj
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2013
      • 526

      Re: Perfectmeta uses "CD-Text" each time instead of more useful metadata suppliers

      Spoon, oh if this were so. For major labels, perhaps most of the time. But for smaller independent and ethnic labels, rarely so. Many small studios seem to use CD text as a way of making internal notes that stick with the recording. I see "Take 5", or "track 6" or "more horns" or whatever the studio chose stuck in there. And even when it is used more or less correctly, it is prone to typos, abbreviations, ALL CAPS, entry without punctuation, entry copied from a filename with the filename character restrictions, title and artist in the title field with nothing in the artist field, you name it. Add to that, sometimes the producers change the track name after the CDs are mastered, so the CD text is different from the printed info on the CD face and liner notes. Like everything else involving metadata, it is often a mess.

      Nonetheless FMNY, it is easy to fix if you don't like the CD text entry. After the CD track info has read but before beginning to rip,click on the red logo tab that looks like a printed tag at the top of the screen, and a page opens up showing what the metadata currently chosen is, and what each provider is sending. If you like one of the provider's data for a particular tag better than the current data, click on it and it will be chosen.

      In fact my only gripe, a very minor one, is that it is difficult to get the CD text entry back after you have replaced it with something else, either from a provider or by typing in the field, let us say when you realize that the CD text was better than what the providers sent or what you typed.


      • FMNY

        • Oct 2010
        • 48

        Re: Perfectmeta uses "CD-Text" each time instead of more useful metadata suppliers

        Originally posted by schmidj

        In fact my only gripe, a very minor one, is that it is difficult to get the CD text entry back after you have replaced it with something else, either from a provider or by typing in the field, let us say when you realize that the CD text was better than what the providers sent or what you typed.
        I don't find it difficult at all to get the CD-Text data back. Just go to green (main) menu. Put the cursor on "retrieve metadata from" and then in the side menu that opens up click "CD-Text" and voila, the CD is read again and the "CD-Text" data repopulated.

        I know the workaround of manually selecting another source. I just think that metadata lookup isn't being very intelligent by choosing "Track 01" "Track02" as the best metadata just because it's the "CD-Text" when any other available metadata would be better than that.


        • schmidj
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2013
          • 526

          Re: Perfectmeta uses "CD-Text" each time instead of more useful metadata suppliers

          Yeah, FMNY, I know that works, but it repopulates "all" the CD text for all the tracks, not just the one item you wanted to see again. Not a big deal, but a minor annoyance.

