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FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

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  • Tom Swaman
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2011
    • 258

    FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

    I am certain this is an old, repeat subject, but I have not been able to find a viable solution for my music.

    I, unfortunately have many FLAC albums containing out-of-sequential order tracks. Clearly, these albums do not play properly. Is there any simple way and/or user friendly software that will renumber the tracks in sequential order so the entire album will play correctly?

    Thank you for your help,

    Tom Swaman
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

    Originally posted by Tom Swaman
    I am certain this is an old, repeat subject, but I have not been able to find a viable solution for my music.

    I, unfortunately have many FLAC albums containing out-of-sequential order tracks. Clearly, these albums do not play properly. Is there any simple way and/or user friendly software that will renumber the tracks in sequential order so the entire album will play correctly?

    Thank you for your help,

    Tom Swaman
    Clarify a bit more. For example:

    1. Do all the album tracks contain the correct track number, but they are just sorted in the wrong order (1, 4,5,8, etc. instead of 1,2,3,4,5,....)
    a. related to 1. are you talking about the metadata tag track numbers or the FILE NAME numbers?

    2. Is this related to leading zeros. For example, tracks are listed as 10,11,12, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 instead of 1-12.

    3. and what are you playing on. Some car players ignore track numbering and play tracks alphabetically!

    perhaps show us an example of what you are talking about.


    • thexfile
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jul 2010
      • 177

      Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

      You could try Mp3tag to correct them.


      • Tom Swaman
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Oct 2011
        • 258

        Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

        Thank you all. Please know that I am a classical music geek and not a techie. So this stuff is hard for me.

        I ,have a number of commercial music that was sold as a composite of multiple albums, eg Shostakovich's Symphonies composed of 1 separate folders pasted into one master folder without renumbering the tracks from say 01 to 70 in proper sequence. I need to fix this numbering in order to play the entire album.

        What is the best thing for me to do and how do I learn to do this?

        Thanks again,



        • Tom Swaman
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Oct 2011
          • 258

          Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing


          I believe you are correct except U=I did not buy a box set. I actually bought downloads from a major supplier of truly high quality recordings. I am trying to not mention names here to not be commercial. At this point I do not know what to do as the downloads need renumbering in order to play.

          I am currently using BluOS as my player and this is truly wonderful.

          Thanks fo helping me.

          Tom Swaman


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

            Simbun, I use mp3tag as well. For your instructions to work, I think each album would need to be in a different directory. Track renumbering for a disk starts over with each separate directory. I could be wrong. Not at home to test.

            in any case, after fixing track tags, I would also fix filenames. CONVERT tag to file name. I would use something like
            $num(%disk%,2).$num(%track%,2) - %title%

            this would produce a filename like
            01.01 - trackname.flac
            01.02 - trackname.flac

            the $num() part is to make these 2 digits. So when sorting by filenames 01, 02 comes before 10, 11 etc. can change to 3 if you have hundreds of tracks.
            Last edited by garym; August 19, 2023, 11:26 AM.


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5936

              Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

              Frankly I am still confused as to the exact problem. Showing us a specific example of what things look like now and then what he would want them to look like would be helpful. And Tom, nothing wrong with mentioning actual company names and specific album or box set names.

              ps. When I buy album download files I almost always (actually ALWAYS) have to clean up tag metadata, numbering and naming before I add to my collection.


              • GBrown
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Oct 2009
                • 355

                Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

                Originally posted by garym
                When I buy album download files I almost always (actually ALWAYS) have to clean up tag metadata, numbering and naming before I add to my collection.
                I'm in the same boat. More and more I have been purchasing music online, and I find the quality and consistency of the metadata can vary. I use the sorting tags pretty extensively as well, and the are almost always either blank or simply a duplicate of the matching original tag. A quick run through mp3tag before I add them to the library is just a part of the routine for me.

                Back to the issue for the OP with box sets. I use the actual name of the box set itself for the Album tag, as well as the release year for the set. This is what defines this as a distinct grouping of tracks for most players. The disc*-track* and title that @simbun and @garym mention is also used. There is a separate tag field that I use to identify each of the individual album names called ORIGALBUM (as well as ORIGYEAR). But very few players can use or even display these (try MusicBee or Foobar if you want the flexibility for this). With this method, all tracks can reside within the same folder if you wish.
                Last edited by GBrown; August 19, 2023, 01:43 PM.


                • Tom Swaman
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Oct 2011
                  • 258

                  Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing


                  To try to clarify, a FLAC folder called Music Man's Complete Symphonies is sold containing the four symphonies of Music man consisting of 20 flac tracks not numbered in consecutive sequence from 01 to 20, Since the tracks are not sequentially numbered, the folder will not play Sym. 1, 2, 3, 4 in order. I need to learn how to renumber the 20 tracks so as to play the four symphonies in proper orfer.

                  I hope this helps and again, my sincere thanks.

                  Tom Swaman


                  • GBrown
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Oct 2009
                    • 355

                    Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

                    Originally posted by Tom Swaman
                    To try to clarify, a FLAC folder called Music Man's Complete Symphonies is sold containing the four symphonies of Music man consisting of 20 flac tracks not numbered in consecutive sequence from 01 to 20, Since the tracks are not sequentially numbered, the folder will not play Sym. 1, 2, 3, 4 in order. I need to learn how to renumber the 20 tracks so as to play the four symphonies in proper orfer.
                    Clarifying - The filenames do not includes track or disc numbers, so the order is alphabetical when browsing by folder? But do these same tracks contain metadata values for those fields? Most modern players prefer the metadata approach. If you want to use the folder method in your case, you can update the filenames from existing metadata tag values, so they return to order in your browser. Like others have suggested, I use mp3tag for this renaming.


                    • Tom Swaman
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Oct 2011
                      • 258

                      Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

                      Much appreciation and I will do as you suggest. I also will always save a backup folder to avoid screw-ups. By the way, BluOS is positively excellent and it is continually being improved. The Bluesound streamers that work with BluOS are positively excellent as is the available support. The sound output is good quality and posesses a true presence that is rare to hear. I have used systems costing many, many times the price and this is the best I have encountered. Incidentally, I have about 160,00 tracks and BluOS handles all beautifully including large custom playlists that are very easy to back-uo. This is not a commercial, but rather a success story.


                      • Tom Swaman
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Oct 2011
                        • 258

                        Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

                        Sibun, I have done as you suggest and all worked well.

                        Many thanks,

                        Tom Laronge


                        • Eulipian

                          • Sep 2023
                          • 13

                          Re: FLAC Track Numbering Sequentially for Accurate Playing

                          Originally posted by simbun
                          Whilst I've heard good things of BluOS generally its local metadata support isn't one of them, and because it doesn't support UPnP you're a bit stuck.

                          The following instructions assume you want to merge all the discs into a single album, and that each folder represents a disc.

                          Please take a backup copy of this boxset before making any changes.

                          For simplicity I've chosen to use Mp3tag, so download and install it (a portable installation is fine).
                          You then need to drag each folder onto the Mp3tag window in the order they appear in the box-set. NOTE: By default, dragging a folder onto the Mp3tag window will replace any existing files so hold down Ctrl when dragging.

                          Once all the discs are in Mp3tag and in the correct order, choose the menu item 'Convert > Auto-numbering wizard', then configure the options as follows:


                          Finally click OK.

                          You should now have DiscNumbers of 1-X and TrackNumbers 1-X within each disc.

                          If you index your files they should now appear as a single playable item.
                          I followed these instructions but they did not number the files as expected.

                          Example: The Magic of Jascha Heifetz Discs 1-3. The 3 discs are ripped into separate folders. The folders are named with the album name followed by "Disc x" The 3 folders reside in a parent folder "Jascha Heifetz"

                          Within each of the three folders the tracks are numbered as they run on the disc 1-x. When I drag all 3 folders into Mp3tag, they are listed by track number. Thus, there are multiple 1s, 2s, 3s, etc.

                          Using the Auto-numbering wizard with the selections shown in the jpg does not change the tags to what I was expecting, which is Disc* Track* Track name, etc that I can save to one folder that will play sequentially running from disc 1 track 1 to disc 3 track x. I'm trying to understand how to accomplish this result, if it can be accomplished, without having to manually retag everything.

                          Thanks for your generous assistance.
                          Last edited by Eulipian; September 17, 2023, 11:30 PM.

