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Can't rip a CD

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    • Jun 2022
    • 2

    Can't rip a CD

    The ripper refuses to rip one specific disc of a set. I am getting the following error:
    For each track on the disc I get a message stating "Not in AccurateRip" but the CD states that it is in AccurateRip.

    When I press rip I get a errors for all tracks: "Error converting to FLACCould not save cover art:Not such file or directory"

    When I ask for details I get a series of messages. For example, a message for track one reads:

    "Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 6965 (1:32) in 0:01." Then a long Filename and then
    "[Pass 1]
    CRC: 914F75AD AccurateRip CRC: 00000000 [DiscID: 016-001ec74a-01775b5f-e10e0710-1]"

    And similar for all tracks.

    However. this disc plays without any problems and Apple iTunes was able to rip it in m4a format.

    I tried several times but the ripper gives me the same results.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Can't rip a CD

    Windows or OSX?

