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Excecutable access to the internet

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  • plaka

    • Aug 2022
    • 6

    Excecutable access to the internet

    What executable in the installation of 17 reference needs access to the internet to retreve track informaion from the databases? I assume nothing in the program needs inernet access for anything else except updates which can be checked for manually here. I am setting up a wirewall to block the windows built in spyware but I want to allow the CD ripper to still run.

  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    Re: Excecutable access to the internet

    And retrieving metadata and album art...

    Dat Ei


    • plaka

      • Aug 2022
      • 6

      Re: Excecutable access to the internet

      Originally posted by Dat Ei
      And retrieving metadata and album art...

      Dat Ei
      Yes. But consider some of the info from here:

      TCP port 888 Is the part that is going to matter to a firewall. I imagine the other databases have protocols and ports too so finding them all and configuring is one way to go. Another approach, which might be simpler is just to mport the entire program to linux and be done with it, if it will run. This just involves hardware issues and/or setting up a mobile linux distro on the main machine rather than the crappy linux laptop I use for day to day internet work.


      • plaka

        • Aug 2022
        • 6

        Re: Excecutable access to the internet

        To partially solve my own problem, the windows machine died. Chipset incmpatabilities with windows killing the USB ports my Driveds depend on. Microsoft offrs 3 solutions, 2 technical, 1 extremely technical (registry hacking) and the last to get another PC. I opted for another PC. Cleaned the machine off and shipped it back to amazon infavor of something which will hopefully support my antique mastering audio card. (uh, Mr. Spoon can we discuss the way DbPower amp doesn't uninstall? Had to do a manual number and geeze louise that thing scatters files and reg. keys around). Put my inhstallation on the linux laptop and it runs fine on Mint/Mate 20. But my dear CD drives do not run fine, or at all. This leaves our hero over on the linux forums trying to get the %^$*@ drives to run.

        Complete side note: it took me a couple days over the trial period to get the issues ironed out of DBPa. The big one was when an album is itentified from the databases every last track gets it's box checked for ripping. But more often than not I want 1-5 tracks ripped and leave the rest on the CD. So a whole lot of little bxes need unchecking. I can go to the contex menue an scroll down and invert the checks but do that for a couple dozen albums and it gets real old. The option to change the default behavior would be nice. I'm an old man with shaky hands. Even clicking to get to a menu and making a selection isn't my strong suit. Thats for the young whippersnappers. I tried quite a few solutions, broke the menues some interesting ways and finally settled on a solution called TinyTask. Ulra small and portable free macro rogram. I load it at the beginning of a ripping session and then everytime I tap the F8 key all those checkboxes get cleared faster than i can see it done. learning curve was 15 minutes (had to wait for a day when my hands were more steady to get a clean recording). Haven't run it on Linux but as a portable I doubt it will even need wine. If of interest I would grab it immediately. Looks like the developer crossed swords with Google and is stepping into the background.

