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Understanding the "Retrieve Metadata From" Dialog

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  • Doug Mackie

    • Feb 2022
    • 11

    Understanding the "Retrieve Metadata From" Dialog

    Fairly new user of R17.7 (registered). Love the application but struggling to learn the fine points. Some options remain mysterious. For example, I can't find anything about this dialog:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ReviewMetadataFromDialog17.6.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.1 KB
ID:	297724

    Please tell me what this dialog is for and how it is used. How do I make changes? What does "Hold Shift Gives Existing Preferences" mean? And when is that line not grayed out?

    If there is a Help page that covers this dialog, please post a link.
    Thank you!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Understanding the "Retrieve Metadata From" Dialog

    Meta data is read from multiple providers, this menu allows a specific provider to provide the metadata, it allows you to override it. Sometimes on CDs with only a few tracks the metadata can be wrong, because of a disc clash, so this allows to try the other providers.

    If you hold shift, it uses the existing metadata and fills in any blanks with the new lookup.


    • Doug Mackie

      • Feb 2022
      • 11

      Re: Understanding the "Retrieve Metadata From" Dialog

      Spoon, thank you very much for your response.

      Finally I understand how to use this dialog. Let's say that the initial meta data comes in from several sources but I want to see if it is available only from a specific one. Perhaps I want to see data from a source not already shown, like CD Text. So I choose CD Text in the Retrieve Metadata From dialog. That causes the meta data to reload, but this time it loads only from CD Text.

      This is very useful and it appears to work just as you describe. However, I notice that the source of the new data is not labeled anywhere in the displays. A pop-up label might be a useful addition to confirm the user-specified data source.

      Thanks again!

