In version 6.6, the following options were available when choosing which directory to rip the files/songs to...
Edit Dynamic Naming
Existing Source Folder(s)
Single Folder
Preserve Source Path
Now only one choice is listed...
Edit Dynamic Naming

What happened to the other choices especially Single Folder?
It's cumbersome to go through more dialog boxes than it was before.
Or am I still delusional?
These choices are still available in the Converter app so why not in the CD Ripper app?

Also what the &%*$ are these choices for?...
Music\Source Filename
Public Music\Source Filename
Video\Source Filename
Public Video\Source Filename
I can find no documentation regarding any of this.
Edit Dynamic Naming
Existing Source Folder(s)
Single Folder
Preserve Source Path
Now only one choice is listed...
Edit Dynamic Naming
What happened to the other choices especially Single Folder?
It's cumbersome to go through more dialog boxes than it was before.
Or am I still delusional?
These choices are still available in the Converter app so why not in the CD Ripper app?
Also what the &%*$ are these choices for?...
Music\Source Filename
Public Music\Source Filename
Video\Source Filename
Public Video\Source Filename
I can find no documentation regarding any of this.