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Help No metadata (??)

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  • la_panza

    • Mar 2022
    • 2

    Help No metadata (??)

    Hello, so far, for years, I've been using the "extract CD Audio Tracks" function on NERO BURNING ROM, it always identified every single CD seamlessly and it still does.

    Now I just purchased (payd) the "DBPoweramp Reference" just because I sadly discovered that some ripping made with Nero had errors and I looked for something more reliable... With disappointment I discover that DBPoweramp does not find metadata on the SAME CD's that Nero identifies in a couple seconds...

    What am I doing wrong? I tried to look into the Metadata Providers in the DBPoweramp settings,but no luck...
    I can't believe I wasted my money and I'll have to keep using Nero... please help

    Adolfo - Pordenone - Italy
  • la_panza

    • Mar 2022
    • 2

    Re: Help No metadata (??)

    I've tried with very famous Albums (Pink Floyd) and it does work, but if I insert some less knows CD's, for example an album produced in italy,DBpoweramp does not recognize it, so the problems seems to become "how to add to the DBPoweramp's Metadata source list the same providers used by Nero Burning Rom suite? given that this suite is able to recognize every single disk produced in any part of the world / any time, I can say that for sure"

    So, in conclusion, Is it possible to edit the provider's list? As far as I know Nero uses GRACENOTE
    Last edited by la_panza; March 11, 2022, 04:32 PM.


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5936

      Re: Help No metadata (??)

      GRACENOTE is not available in dbpoweramp. That said, the multiple metadata providers used by dbpa seem pretty comprehensive. I'd say out of 8,000+ CD rips, probably fewer than 200 didn't provide metadata. Of course the more obscure the CD is, the more likely that it is not in one of the databases.
      Last edited by garym; March 12, 2022, 11:56 AM.


      • lpowell5

        • Mar 2022
        • 1

        Re: Help No metadata (??)

        I am having the same problem. I am trying to rip a collection of Woody Herman from Mosaic Records. Apple Music recognizes the CD and the tracks but CD Ripper does not. Does this mean I have to make my NAS drive my default storage for Apple Music and rip everything through Apple Music?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Help No metadata (??)

          Try searching for it with the manual metadata option, and type the name.


          • BestRip
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Jun 2002
            • 182

            Re: Help No metadata (??)

            I now had an instant where meta data could not be found. I searched manually for but was advised by google that it had changed to There I found the album with all its titles. Discid: folk / b008440d. Entering the names manually I found that the album was entered in the accurate rip database. How come the metadata could not be accessed from either?

            After ripping only 4 out of 13 tracks were reported Accurate:
            Information ripping to Wave, 'Track 1' to 'D:\test\Södra Bergens Balalaikor\Södra Bergens Balalaikor (1971)\Södra Bergens Balalaikor - 01 Under Äppelträdet.wav'
            AccurateRip Verified Using Pressing Offset +658, Confidence 1 [new crc 4c9dc43]

            Information ripping to Wave, 'Track 9' to 'D:\test\Södra Bergens Balalaikor\Södra Bergens Balalaikor (1971)\Södra Bergens Balalaikor - 09 Den lille gåskarlen.wav'
            AccurateRip Verified Using Pressing Offset +658, Confidence 1 [new crc cb638954]

            Information ripping to Wave, 'Track 11' to 'D:\test\Södra Bergens Balalaikor\Södra Bergens Balalaikor (1971)\Södra Bergens Balalaikor - 11 Vallåt från Ryssland.wav'
            AccurateRip Verified Using Pressing Offset +658, Confidence 1 [new crc 619585f3]

            Information ripping to Wave, 'Track 12' to 'D:\test\Södra Bergens Balalaikor\Södra Bergens Balalaikor (1971)\Södra Bergens Balalaikor - 12 Gogov, gogov.wav'
            AccurateRip Verified Using Pressing Offset +658, Confidence 1 [new crc f6734cf1]

            A question: where can I find info about what the numbers reported by CD ripper pgm after "Accurate" mean, the numbers in parenthesis (xxx)?


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5936

              Re: Help No metadata (??)

              Originally posted by BestRip
              A question: where can I find info about what the numbers reported by CD ripper pgm after "Accurate" mean, the numbers in parenthesis (xxx)?
              This just represents how many other rips of that CD in the AccurateRip database match yours. It is more a count of how popular an album is (how many rips). I believe it is capped at 200. Even an AR match of "1" (assuming it's not your own prior rip submission) is extremely strong evidence that you have a bitperfect rip (that is, a different person with a different copy of the CD, ripping on a different computer, got the exact same data in the CD rip that you got on the same CD with your different physical copy, using your own computer).
              Last edited by garym; March 29, 2022, 01:52 PM.


              • BestRip
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Jun 2002
                • 182

                Re: Help No metadata (??)

                Thank you garym!
                Last edited by BestRip; March 29, 2022, 02:45 PM.

