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Advice on new internal CD/DVD SATA drive

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  • krafty
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Dec 2021
    • 74

    Advice on new internal CD/DVD SATA drive

    Hi folks,

    Currently, I have a LiteON iHAS 122 F (offset +6). I used to own a Japanese Sony Optiarc (offset +48). The problem that I started to notice some days ago is that my drive might be scratching some discs when the rip is in full speed. There might be some wear to the mechanical parts.

    Things that definitely bother me most is how this drive is failing with C2 feature. Seems to me that it is poorly implemented and it refuses to work with C2 enabled in DBPA. It also take ages in "Secure Mode" for other ripping application.

    Optiarc used to excel better. I compared some old rips with new ones and definitely the Optiarc gave me more accurate results on 5 miserable CDs with damaged spots.

    What is a good drive with the least offset possible? I was looking about an ASUS and the MADE IN CHINA thing held me back a bit. Model is DRW-24F1MT. Is this one any good?

    Anyways, I thought of replacing my drive before continuing my rips.

    Thanks for any light shed on this.

    -- krafty
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Advice on new internal CD/DVD SATA drive

    6 is the least offset you will likely find.


    • krafty
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Dec 2021
      • 74

      Re: Advice on new internal CD/DVD SATA drive

      Thanks Spoon.

      I ended up getting myself today a Sony Optiarc AD-7280S, 1.60 firmware. It looks like it's made in Japan and assembled in China. Feels more solid and a bit faster than the Lite On iHAS-122. You are right. There won't be any value below +6, but it really doesn't matter whether it's +6 or +48.

      Actually, I'm quite pleased. The drive does cache audio, but have a very good C2 support. It rips a little slowly but nice and easy. The iHAS was mad fast without C2 and inoperable with it enabled, a true liquidizer when spinning.

      Last edited by krafty; January 07, 2022, 03:12 PM.


      • krafty
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Dec 2021
        • 74

        Re: Advice on new internal CD/DVD SATA drive

        I have one question about the defeating cache feature.
        This drive caches audio. It detects as 151 KB (66 samples).

        I left the default 1024 KB, so it can take care of everything.

        In the technical specs, I see a item called Buffer Size.
        Question is: Does this have anything to do with the cache size? 1MB would cut it very short to the limit.
        If it does, should I raise the value of 1024 KB to 2048 KB? Or Buffer Size has nothing to do with the 151 KB detected?

        Manufacturer: SONY
        CD Drive: DVD RW AD-7280S
        Firmware: 1.60
        Serial: Sep26,2011
        Maximum Speed: 7056 KB/sec (x40)
        Current Speed: 7056 KB/sec (x40)
        Spin-down After: 8 minutes
        Buffer Size: 1 MB
        Accurate Stream: Yes
        C2 Error Pointers: Yes
        Reads ISRC: Yes
        Reads UPC: Yes
        Last edited by krafty; January 07, 2022, 04:37 PM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44847

          Re: Advice on new internal CD/DVD SATA drive

          The buffer size and audio cache are two different things.

