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Edit ID-Tag Problem

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  • Bjorn43

    • Sep 2018
    • 8

    Edit ID-Tag Problem

    I have used the dBpoweramp for a couple of years and like it very much. I have problem related to a music file. I ripped an entire CD and all tracks except one does not show me the ID-Tag when I right click on the file. All other files are OK. This happens with a few other rips as well. I have uninstalled the dBpoweramp, rebooted my computer and then reinstalled the program. That did not help. I then went to Advanced settings and unchecked all the Explorer Integration settings and rebooted again. I then went back and checkmarked all the Explorer Integration settings again but problem remains.

    I have no clue as to what I can do to solve this problem.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44842

    Re: Edit ID-Tag Problem

    If you right click >> Edit ID Tags

    and there are none, then the file has no ID Tags.


    • Bjorn43

      • Sep 2018
      • 8

      Re: Edit ID-Tag Problem

      As I stated I can not Right click on the Edit Tag because it is not available!


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44842

        Re: Edit ID-Tag Problem

        It is likely the files were interrupted when ripping, CD ripper normally rips to ._ files then at the end of ripping the extensions are renamed to .flac (if using flac).

        Delete that disc and re-rip.


        • mville
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Dec 2008
          • 4023

          Re: Edit ID-Tag Problem

          Originally posted by Bjorn43
          I ripped an entire CD and all tracks except one does not show me the ID-Tag when I right click on the file. All other files are OK. This happens with a few other rips as well.
          Also, check your audio files are not corrupted by running dBpoweramp Music Converter > Test Conversion.

          What file format are these files?

