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Saving settings with simultaneous rips

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  • wallewek

    • Sep 2021
    • 30

    Saving settings with simultaneous rips

    I run several drives doing multiple simultaneous rips by running CD Ripper multiple times together. It works quite nicely, all I have to do is point each copy to a different drive.

    So here's my question:

    I've noticed if I change settings on one running copy, the settings may or may not be saved. I've also noted that changing settings on one running copy doesn't change settings for the others currently running.

    I haven't rigorously tested, but I speculate that maybe the last close wins. Or maybe the last launch. Or maybe the last change wins? Or maybe only the last close with changes wins, but a close with no changes doesn't erase changes?

    How do we properly save changes when doing simultaneous rips?

    This gets significant if I want to make temporary changes to how I rip on one CD only, say on one single track I'm fighting with. I don't want permanently change settings for all CDs, just that one. How best would one handle that?

    --- KW
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

    Try creating a unique profile in CD Ripper for each CD Ripper instance, based on drive.


    • wallewek

      • Sep 2021
      • 30

      Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

      I thought about your suggestion, it sounded good at first, but then I realized that I really don't want to have to replicate any changes manually to all instances. That way leads to madness. Or at least confusion.

      But, hmm, I could maybe have a special worst-case profile... if I can figure out how. And have a separate desktop launch icon...


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

        Originally posted by wallewek
        I really don't want to have to replicate any changes manually to all instances. That way leads to madness. Or at least confusion
        Precisely, any changes can be saved to a new profile. Profiles are there to avoid confusion.

        For any instance of CD Ripper, you would simply select a drive, then select a profile and rip.


        • wallewek

          • Sep 2021
          • 30

          Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

          That could work nicely. Do you know if there are any launch command options so one could select the desired profile while launching CD Ripper from, say, a desktop icon?

          That way I could have an icon for regular rips, one for scruffy CDs, etc.


          • Dat Ei
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2014
            • 1812

            Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

            How can you know in advance if a CD is ok or scruffy? Once you've learned that is isn't ok you can change the profile within your programm instance. No need to quit the instance and restart it with a different command option.

            Dat Ei


            • wallewek

              • Sep 2021
              • 30

              Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

              You're missing the point, I think.

              Yes, I can change my permanent profile -- and if I forget or launch another instance, because I'm riping with multiple drives at once, I will then be using it on them.

              Or maybe you mean, not change my profile, but switch to another one? That might work I suppose, so long as that other profile isn't the default next time I launch.

              Hmm, I'll have to try that...


              • Dat Ei
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Feb 2014
                • 1812

                Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                Originally posted by wallewek
                Or maybe you mean, not change my profile, but switch to another one?
                Indeed, that are profiles for.

                Dat Ei


                • wallewek

                  • Sep 2021
                  • 30

                  Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                  OK, I tested.

                  I had three instances of CD Ripper running. I created a new "Troubleshooter" profile on one of them, and then closed it, and then closed all the others.

                  Then I re-opened a fresh instance of CD Ripper. It defaulted to the Troubleshooter profile.

                  That is NOT the behaviour I would want if I'm switching to a nonstandard profile temporarily tor troubleshooting. Way to easy to accidentally do a bunch of ripping with the wrong profile.

                  And I still haven't found a way to turn C2 off or rip that one track that plays fine but errors out of ripping, anyway.


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5936

                    Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                    maybe it defaults to last profile used. When it opens to the Troubleshooter profile, can you then use the dropdown menu to select the profile you want?

                    Regarding the C2, it seems from your screenshot in the other thread, it is already NOT ticked, which is what was suggested (turn off, that is "don't tick" that option.


                    • mville
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4023

                      Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                      Originally posted by wallewek
                      Then I re-opened a fresh instance of CD Ripper. It defaulted to the Troubleshooter profile.

                      That is NOT the behaviour I would want if I'm switching to a nonstandard profile temporarily tor troubleshooting. Way to easy to accidentally do a bunch of ripping with the wrong profile.
                      Good grief.

                      You already have to open an instance of CD Ripper and select a drive. Are you saying that adding the 3rd step of selecting a profile is not acceptable?


                      • wallewek

                        • Sep 2021
                        • 30

                        Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                        Thanks, GaryM, I'm sure it does default to the last profile used -- sorta. But if I have three instances open (on three different drives) and they aren't all using the same profile, which one does it remember for next time? It's quite unclear, and there's apparently no way to define a standard default profile.

                        As for C2, you're quite right, it's not checked. Because I can't check it. Note the text is all greyed out. I've no idea why that is. If you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it!
                        Last edited by wallewek; October 20, 2021, 10:03 PM.


                        • wallewek

                          • Sep 2021
                          • 30

                          Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                          No, mville, I'm not saying that.

                          I'm saying that if I'm ripping a lot of CDs, all with multiple launches of the same standard carefully configured profile, and I need to switch to a different profile to rip a single recalcitrant track, there's a significant risk that I'm going to wind up using that other profile accidentally for further rips, because there's apparently no way to do a one-time setting for a one-time rip.

                          Can I live with it? Sure. It's the risk that bothers me. I'm human. Humans mistakes. Smart humans avoid taking needless risks.


                          • garym
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Nov 2007
                            • 5936

                            Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                            Originally posted by wallewek
                            Thanks, GaryM, I'm sure it does default to the last profile used -- sorta. But if I have three instances open (on three different drives) and they aren't all using the same profile, which one does it remember for next time? It's quite unclear, and there's apparently no way to define a standard default profile.

                            As for C2, you're quite right, it's not checked. Because I can't check it. Note the text is all greyed out. I've no idea why that is. If you have a suggestion, I'd love to hear it!
                            not sure why greyed out. I assume you have a drive selected when you are looking at these options. Otherwise, no clue as I've never seen it greyed out.


                            • garym
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Nov 2007
                              • 5936

                              Re: Saving settings with simultaneous rips

                              You should post a comment at the wish list forum to have the program create a default ripping profile and drive. That way @spoon will see it when he thinks about program changes. And link to this thread in your wishlist post.

