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New User Needs Help Ripping without Errors - super choppy audio

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  • sydsl

    • Oct 2021
    • 4

    New User Needs Help Ripping without Errors - super choppy audio

    Greetings and salutations, dbpoweramp gods, I beseech thee.

    I am a new user on a new install, and I am currently unable to rip CDs. I did complete the Key CD offset step. Although, it was strange that several popular CDs were not recognized (Pink Floyd, Tom Petty). I attempted to rip one of my Key CDs. It took more than 30mins. It did rip the files to both FLAC and MP3. However, upon playback, the audio is unlistenable. It is very choppy as if there is a slight delay between each frame.

    Subsequently, I researched setup help from several forums and also used dbpoweramp's own help material. This was very insightful but did not help my problem. Now, CDs will not rip at all. When shifting to Ultra Secure, it is as-if it wants to re-rip every single frame in the song. With the new settings, I was limiting the frames to re-rip to 100. So, that is why it is not ripping at all. But if I remove that limit, then see my initial problem above.

    I uninstalled McAfee and turned off Windows security. Neither helped.

    Can you please help me?

  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: New User Needs Help Ripping without Errors - super choppy audio

    Try unticking use *C2 error checking* in ripper setup.


    • sydsl

      • Oct 2021
      • 4

      Re: New User Needs Help Ripping without Errors - super choppy audio

      Bingo, that solved it. Thanks a million Gary.

      For my continuing education, what is the C2 error checking doing, and why was it leading to my problem?


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: New User Needs Help Ripping without Errors - super choppy audio

        Originally posted by sydsl
        Bingo, that solved it. Thanks a million Gary.

        For my continuing education, what is the C2 error checking doing, and why was it leading to my problem?
        Many drives say they support C2 checking but often do not. It is no big deal. Just leave unticked. google C2 error checking for more details.


