In This Day's I have update "Label" and "Copyright" at the bottom under the "Tags" section for every CD's, As my Screenshot

Is There any way to Add This Fields Fixed At the Top of the UI of CD Ripper in the position of the "Style" and "Comment" field. I want to Remove This "Style" and "Comment" fields and want to Add "Label" and "Copyright" fields.

Question no 2. Is There any way to add a custom "Label" and "Copyright" item List stored inside the Program as the Genre List. Today I Success to Edit the Genre List with the Custom Item by the Help of the Forum. Thanks
Is There any way to Add This Fields Fixed At the Top of the UI of CD Ripper in the position of the "Style" and "Comment" field. I want to Remove This "Style" and "Comment" fields and want to Add "Label" and "Copyright" fields.
Question no 2. Is There any way to add a custom "Label" and "Copyright" item List stored inside the Program as the Genre List. Today I Success to Edit the Genre List with the Custom Item by the Help of the Forum. Thanks