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When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two folders?

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  • ripcd
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jun 2020
    • 77

    When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two folders?

    What happens is it makes a folder that has the name of the album artist, and within that folder is another folder with the album.

    I would rather have it so that there is only one folder with name of artist and name of album all in one folder.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5940

    Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

    I'm not following your problem. Provide a bit more specific detail. I suspect the error is caused by your naming string not being based on either Album Artist or Artist, and if using artist only and some tracks have differing artists, then that would break things into multiple albums. But more detail would be useful. By the way, I never see this and use the following naming string:

    [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Compilations\[album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title] - [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title][][]


    • paulch

      • Mar 2021
      • 32

      Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

      I thought that was just the default setting or am I missing something here (quite possible, as a new user). It creates a top level folder for the artist and then creates a separate folder underneath that, for each album relating to that artist.

      It sounds like ripcd is asking for the top level folder to be a concatenation of the artist name and the album name, which would give a flat folder structure i.e. no sub-folders for the albums.

      I think this would do it, where I have just added the bits in bold and removed \[album] so it doesn't create an album sub-folder.

      [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Compilations\[album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title] - [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist]-[album],[artist]-[album][][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title][][]

      I'm just testing my own limited knowledge here as I find the structure non-intuitive, unless you happen to be a programmer. I don't know what you would do with compilation albums.


      • ripcd
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Jun 2020
        • 77

        Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold


        Thank you. When I tried it, it's showing up as "(name of artist)-(name of album)"
        I would like to have a space before and after the hyphen.
        Also the tracks all have 2 underspace at the end of the name of the track for some reason (But I just tried the original Naming again and it also has 2 underspaces).
        Before I started changing the Naming I didn't have this problem.
        Last edited by ripcd; April 28, 2021, 12:10 AM.


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1812

          Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

          Originally posted by ripcd
          Thank you. When I tried it, it's showing up as "(name of artist)-(name of album)"
          I would like to have a space before and after the hyphen.
          Then you only have to edit the naming string to your liking. You can see the changes instantly in the dialog.

          Originally posted by ripcd
          Also the tracks all have 2 underspace at the end of the name of the track for some reason (But I just tried the original Naming again and it also has 2 underspaces).
          Before I started changing the Naming I didn't have this problem.
          You see this, while you're ripping or even after the ripping has finished? Are any programs running, that observe the target folders (like iTunes folder "Add automatically...")? You can change the option "When ripping" to "Rip direct to final filenames" in the CD Ripper options as a test.

          Dat Ei


          • ripcd
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Jun 2020
            • 77

            Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

            I see it even after ripping.
            I can't find the "when ripping" option, though I do see the "after ripping" option.

            Oh wait I was able to fix the problem, by pressing fn+delete at the end of the Naming when setting the name.
            Last edited by ripcd; April 28, 2021, 07:29 AM.


            • ripcd
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jun 2020
              • 77

              Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

              I'm also thinking I might want the name of the artist in the beginning of the track.
              The only time I would find this useful is when I put certain tracks from various albums into a folder in my Music folder in Android.

              (When I tap on a folder of an album and see all tracks there, since I already know that the artist is same for all the tracks in that folder, the name of artist at the beginning of track name only gets in the way)

              However when I think of making a "playlist" folder by putting in individual tracks from various albums, it would help to know who the artist is at the beginning of the track.


              • garym
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2007
                • 5940

                Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                then just change the naming string to do that. For example, the "[track] - [title]" at the end would instead be:

                [track] - [artist] - [title]
                if you want the track number first. if you want the artist first, use:

                [artist] - [track] - [title]


                • garym
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 5940

                  Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                  Maybe this is what you want. Handles compilations too, using "Various Artists" as the artist name for album folder. the underlines at end of name are likely because you have a stray space or two at the end of the naming string. Make sure you don't when you copy and paste this in the settings.

                  [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Various Artists - [album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[artist] - [track] - [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist] - [album],[artist] - [album][][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[artist] - [track] - [title][][]


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5940

                    Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                    use this instead. it doesn't create separate disc folders for multidisk. If there is a multidisc, it simply adds the disk number in front of the track number (e.g., 2.05, 2.06)

                    [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Various Artists - [album]\[artist] - [IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist] - [album],[artist] - [album][]\[IFMULTI][]\[artist] - [IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][]


                    • ripcd
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Jun 2020
                      • 77

                      Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                      Originally posted by garym
                      use this instead. it doesn't create separate disc folders for multidisk. If there is a multidisc, it simply adds the disk number in front of the track number (e.g., 2.05, 2.06)

                      [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Various Artists - [album]\[artist] - [IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist] - [album],[artist] - [album][]\[IFMULTI][]\[artist] - [IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][]
                      How would you change this code if you don't want to include the artist at the beginning of the track title?


                      • garym
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Nov 2007
                        • 5940

                        Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                        Originally posted by ripcd
                        How would you change this code if you don't want to include the artist at the beginning of the track title?
                        just delete the "[artist] -" parts, like this:

                        [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Various Artists - [album]\[IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist] - [album],[artist] - [album][]\[IFMULTI][]\[IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][]

                        I personally use this:

                        [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Compilations\[album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title] - [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI]\Disc [disc][]\[track] - [title][][]


                        • garym
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Nov 2007
                          • 5940

                          Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                          or this if you don't want separate disc subdirectories for multidisks. And if you want the compilations to be in directory called "Various Artists", change "Compilations" below with "Various Artists" (all without the quotes).

                          [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Compilations\[album][IFMULTI]\[disc][].[track] - [title] - [artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI]\[disc].[][track] - [title][][]


                          • ripcd
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Jun 2020
                            • 77

                            Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                            Originally posted by garym
                            just delete the "[artist] -" parts, like this:

                            [MAXLENGTH]240,[IFCOMP]Various Artists - [album]\[IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist] - [album],[artist] - [album][]\[IFMULTI][]\[IFMULTI][disc].[][track] - [title][][]
                            For this one, I see that the folder is named like "Artist - (name of Album)" If I wanted to change the hyphen to an em-dash, what change should I make to this code?

                            edit: nevermind, i changed the hyphen between "album artist" and "album"
                            Last edited by ripcd; May 21, 2021, 04:03 PM.


                            • ripcd
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Jun 2020
                              • 77

                              Re: When you rip a CD, how can you make it go into jut one folder instead of two fold

                              Anyways, I'm using it and out of 3 CDs, the 1st and 3rd one turned out right (1.01, 1.02... 3.01, 3.02...) but the 2nd CD turned out like "01, 02, 03"

