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No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

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  • ChisChas
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2017
    • 78

    No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

    I tried dbPoweramp in 2017, used Secure Mode and ran into repeated problems with too many (for me) tracks refusing to rip at all and others taking many, many attempts before they would rip. Buying another ASUS optical drive with two power USB's solved some but not all issues.
    Bought CD Ripper again & also Perfectunes in 2021 but have been successfully using Burst Mode which happened to be the default setting. I've had none of the problems I experienced in 2017 using Secure Mode and I'm completely happy with the sound quality of the uncompressed FLAC Burst Mode results listening to ripped CD's with Focal Utopia headphones & the 4.4mm balanced headphone output on my N8 Brass Black DAP. I do think although I have no evidence to support this, that using FLAC uncompressed is a benefit and since micro SD cards & SSD's are much cheaper than they were 5 - 10 years ago, why be concerned with storage space?
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

    Originally posted by ChisChas
    I tried dbPoweramp in 2017, used Secure Mode and ran into repeated problems with too many (for me) tracks refusing to rip at all and others taking many, many attempts before they would rip. Buying another ASUS optical drive with two power USB's solved some but not all issues.
    Bought CD Ripper again & also Perfectunes in 2021 but have been successfully using Burst Mode which happened to be the default setting. I've had none of the problems I experienced in 2017 using Secure Mode and I'm completely happy with the sound quality of the uncompressed FLAC Burst Mode results listening to ripped CD's with Focal Utopia headphones & the 4.4mm balanced headphone output on my N8 Brass Black DAP.
    Is it that you aren't bothered about getting bit-perfect rips or is it that all your burst mode rips are accuraterips?

    Originally posted by ChisChas
    I do think although I have no evidence to support this, that using FLAC uncompressed is a benefit and since micro SD cards & SSD's are much cheaper than they were 5 - 10 years ago, why be concerned with storage space?
    With today's processors, there's no benefit whatsoever in using FLAC uncompressed.


    • ChisChas
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2017
      • 78

      Re: No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

      All the CD's I've ripped so far have been accuraterips apart from CD1 of Led Zeppelin Mothership best hits CD. If the results are excellent, listening using flagship headphones & DAP, that's all that matters, no? I didn't expect or require dbpoweramp to better the sound quality of WMP WAV rips, I am using db because Astell & Kern DAP's don't like WMP WAV and to get all the artwork.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

        Originally posted by ChisChas
        All the CD's I've ripped so far have been accuraterips apart from CD1 of Led Zeppelin Mothership best hits CD. If the results are excellent, listening using flagship headphones & DAP, that's all that matters, no?
        Depends on the end-user. Many use CD Ripper in order to get perfect copies of their CDs, something that cannot be guaranteed when using WMP, iTunes etc.


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5936

          Re: No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

          Originally posted by mville
          Depends on the end-user. Many use CD Ripper in order to get perfect copies of their CDs, something that cannot be guaranteed when using WMP, iTunes etc.
          exactly! And with secure ripping settings, it is automated that dbpa first does a BURST rip and if this is an AccurateRip match, you're done. If it is not an AR match, then it goes on to do more attempts at secure ripping/matching. To me that's the beauty of dbpa.


          • ChisChas
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Oct 2017
            • 78

            Re: No Audible Disadvantage in Using Burst Mode v Secure Mode

            Originally posted by garym
            exactly! And with secure ripping settings, it is automated that dbpa first does a BURST rip and if this is an AccurateRip match, you're done. If it is not an AR match, then it goes on to do more attempts at secure ripping/matching. To me that's the beauty of dbpa.
            Chaps, I'm onboard, have expressed my appreciation of what dbpa can do v WMP! BUT I had a grotty time in 2017 with Secure Mode (fact) and swerving Secure Mode has made ripping a happy process v Unhappy one. I understood in 2017 that Secure Mode was a superior version of Burst Mode but I'm delighted with the results of my dbpa FLAC rips and believe you me, Focal Utopia headphones are extremely revealing and I'm a fusspot audiophile who would hear sound quality deficiencies. I hear none with in my Burst Mode rips. And speaking to a UK fellow audiophile before I started my dbpa 2021 ripping, he tells me that he has been unable to rip a limited number of tracks using Secure Mode. Sorry, I don't want a) the aggro I experienced previously with Secure Mode b) I don't want to be unable to rip a 'limited number of tracks'. Reading the CD Ripper forum in 2017 & 2021, it's clear that some newbies experience quite a few frustrations although Spoon, Gary & MVille are great at providing assistance.

