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How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

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  • ripcd
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jun 2020
    • 77

    How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

    When you rip a CD, you can choose a picture to for art cover, but if you later wanted to change, how do you do that?
  • 1Madman

    • Apr 2021
    • 1

    Re: How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

    I noticed that all the covers have the same filename - folder,jpg

    So I go find another cover, download it, or save it from the internet, and rename it "folder.jpg" and copy it into the folder where the album has been ripped. Then the new cover is there.

    Another way to do it, is to re-rip--even a single track, and before ripping, select a different cover. When you re-rip it will overwrite the new cover where the old one was.


    • Dat Ei
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Feb 2014
      • 1812

      Re: How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

      Select the files, right click, choose Eidt ID Tag, delete the old album art, load the new, export it to folder.jpg, if you like and close the dialog finally.

      Dat Ei


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

        Is your album art embedded in the files or saved as a file in the folder of the album (folder.jpg or cover.jpg)?


        • ChisChas
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Oct 2017
          • 78

          Re: How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

          Thanks for posting question, I was going to delete album and re-rip so I could choose correct artwork.


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

            Originally posted by ChisChas
            Thanks for posting question, I was going to delete album and re-rip so I could choose correct artwork.
            No need to do that. Just use ID TAG UPDATE to change the embedded art. Or if you only have folder.jpg or cover.jpg in album directory, just replace this with the correct art, named properly (folder.jpg or cover.jpg).


            • ChisChas
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Oct 2017
              • 78

              Re: How do you change album cover that you've already chosen for an album?

              Originally posted by garym
              No need to do that. Just use ID TAG UPDATE to change the embedded art. Or if you only have folder.jpg or cover.jpg in album directory, just replace this with the correct art, named properly (folder.jpg or cover.jpg).
              Thanks (again LOL), will do. Have to say, I'm now 250/400 CD's and I've virtually no problems with artwork or metadata generally. Glorious to have all album artwork on my Cayin N8 Brass Black DAP screen, what a treat that is and goodness knows why I put up with 70% of the artwork, oh dear. I saw that a CD I've just ripped had the wrong album cover but as the wrong one was much more attractive, I didn't change it pre-rip.

